Call Number (LC) Title Results
E/ECE/ Biennial report /
Annual report /
E/ECE(02)/ G76 Growth and stagnation in the European economy. 1
E/ECE/ 883/Rev.1 Increased energy economy and efficiency in the ECE region : study on measures taken, or which might be taken, to achieve increased economy and efficiency in the extraction, conversion, transport, and use of energy in the ECE region / 1
E/ECE/883/Rev.1 Increased energy economy and efficiency in the ECE region : study on measures taken, or which might be taken, to achieve increased economy and efficiency in the extraction, conversion, transport, and use of energy in the ECE region / 1
E/ECE/961 New issues affecting the energy economy of the ECE region in the medium and long term / 1
E/ECE/1084 Policies for integrated water management : declarations of policy and other decisions of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe = Politiques de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau : déclarations de principe et autres décisions de la Commission économique pour l'Europe de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. 1
E/ECE/ 1100 The Economic role of women in the ECE region : developments 1975/85. 1
E/ECE/ 1357 1998 The Economic Commission for Europe in the age of change / 1
E/ECE/ 1366 1999 Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters = Convention sur l'accès à l'information, la participation du public au processus décisionnel et l'accès à la justice en matière d'environnement = Konven︠t︡si︠i︡a o dostupe k informa︠t︡sii, uchastii obshchestvennosti v pro︠t︡sesse prin︠i︡ati︠i︡a resheniĭ i dostupe k pravosudi︠i︡u po voprosam, kasa︠i︡ushchims︠i︡a okruzha︠i︡ushcheĭ sredy / 1
E/ECE/AGRI/ Agricultural review for Europe /
Prices of agricultural products and selected inputs in Europe and North America.
E/ECE/AGRI/4 1973 Symposium on New Developments in the Provision of Amino Acids in the Diets of Pigs and Poultry = Colloque sur l'évolution récente de l'utilisation des acides aminés dans l'alimentation des porcins et de la volaille = Simpozium o novykh metodakh, sv︠i︡azannykh s soderzhaniem aminokislot o [sic] diete svineĭ i domashneĭ pti︠t︡sy : [reports] 1
E/ECE/AGRI(05)/ Ag6 Agricultural trade in Europe : recent developments / 1
E/ECE/AGRI(05)/ Ag7 The Livestock and meat market /
The Grain market /
The Milk and dairy products market /
The Egg market /
E/ECE/AGRI/12 Symposium on the Effects of Fertilizers on the Quality and Nutritional Value of Grains, Potatoes, Selected Fruits and Vegetables and Forage = Colloque sur les incidences de l'emploi des engrais sur la qualité et la valeur nutritive des céréales, des pommes de terre, de certains fruits et légumes et des denrées fourragères / 1
E/ECE/AGRI/29 1977 Symposium on forms of horizontal and vertical integration in agriculture = Collogue sur les formes d'integration horizontale et verticale dans l'agriculture = Simpozium po formam gorizontal'noi i vertikal'noi integratsii v sel'skom khoziaistve. 1
E/ECE/AGRI/31 1976 Symposium on recent developments in the use of new sources of protein, essential amino acids and non-protein nitrogen with special reference to ruminants = Colloque sur l̀évolution récente des nouvelles sources de protéines, dàcides aminés essentiels et de produits azotés sans protéines dùn intérêt particulier pour les ruminants = simpozium o poslednikh dostizheni︠i︡akh v oblasti ispolźovani︠i︡a novykh istochnikov belka, osnovnykh aminokislot i nebelkovykh azotnykh soedineniĭ s udeleniem osobogo vnimani︠i︡a zhvachnym zhyvotnym. 1
E/ECE/AGRI/40 1979 UN/ECE general conditions of sale for fresh fruit and vegetables, including citrus fruit. 1
E/ECE/AGRI/41 1979 UN/ECE general conditions of sale for dry (shelled and unshelled) and dried fruit / 1
E/ECE/AGRI/ 42 1980 UN/ECE general conditions of sale for potatoes / 1
E/ ECE/ AGRI/ 55/Rev.2 UN/ECE standards for fresh fruit and vegetables / 1