Call Number (LC) Title Results
E/INCB/2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,51,57,62,1983/2,1984/2,1985/2,1986/2,1987/2 Estimated world requirements of narcotic drugs in ... / 1
E/INCB/4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,45,50,55,60,65 Comparative statement of estimates and statistics on narcotic drugs for ... furnished by governments in accordance with the international treaties / 1
E/ INCB(05)/ U4 The United Nations and drug abuse control. 1
E/INCB/ 1995/1/Supp.1 Availability of opiates for medical needs : special report prepared pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolutions 1990/31 and 1991/43. 1
E/INCB/1995/1/Supp.1 Availability of opiates for medical needs : special report prepared pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolutions 1990/31 and 1991/43. 1
E/LC(02)/ Ec5c 1997 La economía cubana : reformas estructurales y desempeño en los noventa / 1
E/LC(02)/ M63pp 2010 Modeling public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean / 1
E/LC(02)/ R38pe 2006 Raúl Prebisch escritos 1919-1986 / 1
E/LC(02)/ Sa5ce 1998 Sala CEPAL escritos de investigadores de la CEPAL e ILPES que pertenecieron a la organización entre los años 1948-1989 / 1
E/LC(05)/ Preliminary overview of the Latin American economy during ... /
Preliminary overview of the economy of Latin America and the Caribbean /
E/LC(05)/ C53 Challenges : newsletter on progress towards the millennium development goals from a child rights perspective. 1
E/LC(05)/ C6 Co-operation and development. 1
E/LC(05)/ Ec74 Economic panorama of Latin America : Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela / 1
E/LC(05) N61 Economic panorama of Latin America : Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela / 1
E/LC(05)/ N61 Notas sobre la economía y el desarrollo /
Notas sobre la economía y el desarrollo de América Latina /
E/LC(05)/ N61 no.562/563 1994 Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s. 1
E/LC(05)/ N61 no.576/577 1995 Foreign investment and transnational corporations in Latin America, 1995 : the resurgence in foreign investment flows in the first half of the 1990s : problems and perspectives / 1
E/LC(05)/ N62 ECLAC notes. 1
E/LC(05)/ P9 Preliminary overview of the Latin American economy during ... /
Preliminary overview of the economy of Latin America and the Caribbean /
E/LC/DEM.CR/ R.8 República Dominicana : la mortalidad infantil en Santo Domingo en la década de los años 80 : (informe del estudio sobre la mortalidad mediante el método del hijo previo) / 1