E 1.10:770878
"Effects of Energy Constraints on Transportation Systems" : proceedings of the Fourth National Conference held at Union College, Aug. 1-5, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:770901
Proceedings of a Workshop on the Evaluation of Models Used for the Environmental Assessment of Radionuclide Releases, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 6-9, 1977. |
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E 1.10:770921/1
Third wind energy workshop ... : proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference and Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, September 19-21, 1977, Washington, D.C. / |
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E 1.10:770921/2
Third wind energy workshop ... : proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference and Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, September 19-21, 1977, Washington, D.C. / |
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E 1.10:770937
Proceedings, AESOP Conference, volume 17 : Boston, Massachusetts, September 13-15, 1977. |
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E 1.10:770955
Proceedings of second annual Thermal Energy Storage Contractors' Information Exchange Meeting, September 29-30, 1977, Gatlinburg, Tennessee / |
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E 1.10:770966
Proceedings of the Solar Industrial Process Heat Symposium, September 19-20, 1977, College Park, Maryland / |
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E 1.10:770970
EPA/DOE Symposium on High Temperature High Pressure Particulate Control, September 20-21, 1977, Washington, D.C. / |
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E 1.10:770980-1
Solar heating as a major source of energy for Australia : the tenth World Energy Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September 19-23, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:770997
Safety and environmental aspects of deuterium-tritium fusion power plants : work shop summary, September 14-15, 1977, Seattle, Washington / |
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E 1.10:771003-P-
Improved Conversion Efficiency Workshop, Pipestem, West Virginia, October 16-18, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:771017
Developmental toxicology of energy-related pollutants : proceedings of the seventeenth annual Hanford Biology Symposium at Richland, Washington, October 17-19, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:771037
Highway Vehicle Systems Contractors Coordination Meeting, Oct. 4, 5, 6, 1977, Dearborn, Michigan : thirteenth summary report / |
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E 1.10:771042
Proceedings of the 1977 DOE Statistical Symposium, October 26-28, 1977, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington / |
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E 1.10:771051
Proceedings of the Photovoltaics Program semi-annual review, Advanced Materials R&D Branch, October 4-6, 1977, Golden, Colorado. |
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E 1.10:771053
1977 Flywheel Technology Symposium : proceedings, October 5-7, 1977, San Francisco, California / |
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E 1.10:771072
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nuclear Methods in Environmental and Energy Research, Columbia, Missouri, October 10-13, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:771114
Energy and environmental stress in aquatic systems : selected papers from a symposium held at Augusta, Georgia, November 2-4, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:771129
Proceedings of the Fusion Fueling Workshop held at Princeton University, New Jersey, November 1-2, 1977 / |
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E 1.10:771131
Proceedings of the DOE Chemical/Hydrogen Energy Systems Contractor Review, held November 16-17, 1977, Hunt Valley, Maryland / |
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