Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.10:790585 Proceedings of the Workshop on New Diagnostics Related to Impurity Release Germantown, Maryland, May 31-June 1, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790630 Proceedings of the 5th Underground Coal Conversion Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia, June 18-21, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790631/v.1-2 Proceedings of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 6th OTEC Conference : ocean thermal energy for the 80's, Washington, D.C., June 19-22, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790749 Proceedings of the First Conference on Advanced Materials for Alternative Fuel Capable Directly Fired Heat Engines, 31 July-3 August, 1979, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, Maine / 1
E 1.10:790758/v.1-2 Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Energy's regional solar updates 1979 : four regional conferences highlighting the experiences of the National Commercial and Residential Solar Heating and Cooling Demonstration Program and the National Solar Data Program, July-August 1979, Dearborn, Michigan; Orlando, Florida; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Los Angeles, California / 1
E 1.10:790775 Proceedings of the Workshop of Sputtering Cause By Plasma (Neutral Beam) Surface Interaction, Argonne National Laboratory, July 9-10, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790854 Proceedings of the 1979 Mechanical and Magnetic Energy Storage Contractors' Review Meeting, August 1979, Washington, D.C. 1
E 1.10:790866 Physics of plasmas in thermonuclear regimes : proceedings of the 1979 workshop, International School of Plasma Physics, Varenna, Italy, 27 August-8 September 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790871 Conference on Microbiological Processes Useful in Enhanced Oil Recovery : final report, August 29,--September 1, 1979, San Diego, California / 1
E 1.10:790890 The final proceedings of the Solar Export Issues Workshop, Linden Hill Hotel, Bethesda, Maryland, August 12-14, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790902 Proceedings, Scientific Computer Information Exchange Meeting, September 12-13, 1979, Livermore, California : theme, impact of advanced systems on scientific computations / 1
E 1.10:790904-P 2 Systems engineering for power : organizational forms for large scale systems, Davos, Switzerland, September 30, 1979 to October 5, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790904-P 3 Systems engineering for power : organizational forms for large scale systems, Davos, Switzerland, September 30, 1979 to October 5, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790909-P 1 Systems engineering for power : emergency operating state control, Davos, Switzerland, September 30, 1979 to October 5, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:790987 Proceedings of the DOE Residue and Waste Fuels Utilization Program Contractor Review Meeting, September 25&26, 1979, Washington, D.C. / 1
E 1.10:791014 Fourth annual Conference on Materials for Coal Conversion and Utilization, October 9-11, 1979, at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland. 1
E 1.10:791016 Proceedings of the 1979 DOE Statistical Symposium, October 24-26, 1979, Riverside Motor Lodge, Gatlinburg, Tennessee / 1
E 1.10:791082 Highway Vehicle Systems Contractors Coordination Meeting, October 23, 24, 25, 1979, Dearborn, Mich. : seventeenth summary report / 1
E 1.10:791097 Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference and Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, October 29 to 31, 1979, Washington, D.C. / 1
E 1.10:791127 Proceedings of the DOE Chemical Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energy Systems Contract Review, November 13 and 14, 1979, Reston, Va. 1