Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.10:7905143 Workshop on Satellite Power Systems (SPS) Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy, Battelle, Seattle Conference Center, Seattle, Washington, May 1979 / 1
E 1.10:7905176 Measurement of changes in terrestrial carbon using remote sensing : reports of panel discussions at a conference held at the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, May 1979 / 1
E 1.10:7906124 Transactions of the Conference on Thermodynamics Research Requirements on Fossil Fuel Processes : final report, June 20, 1979, Tulsa, Oklahoma / 1
E 1.10:7906126 Transactions of the Conference on Thermodynamics Research Requirements on Fossil Fuel Processes : final report, June 20, 1979, Tulsa, Oklahoma / 1
E 1.10:7906157 Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Combustion Technology Exchange Workshop, June 5 & 6, 1979, the Meadowlands Hilton Hotel, Secaucus, New Jersey, arrangements by Courtesy Associates, Inc. 1
E 1.10:7906180 Proceedings of the Workshop on the Modification of Upper Atmosphere by Satellite Power System (SPS) Propulsion Effluents, La Jolla Institute, La Jolla, California, June 25-27, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:7910160/ Waste Isolation Safety Assessment Program Task 4 third Contractor Information Meeting, held at Battelle Memorial Institute, Human Affairs Research Centers, Seattle, Washington, October, 14-17, 1979 / 1
E 1.10:7910187/supp Department of Energy responses to panel recommendations from the Open Workshop on Solar Technologies, October 23-23, 1979, Washington, D.C. / 1
E 1.10:7911108 Proceedings of the Workshop/Symposium on the Preliminary Evaluation of the Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the HEAO-C Launch, with Applications to the SPS Environmental Assessment, November 11-13, 1980, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
E 1.10:7911193 Workshop on Oceanic CO₂ / 1
E 1.10:8003118 Carbon balance in northern ecosystems and the potential effect of carbon dioxide induced climatic change : report of a workshop, San Diego, California, March 7-9, 1980 / 1
E 1.10:8004101 Proceedings of the DOE annual photovoltaics program review for technology and market development : Hyannis, Massachusetts, April 28-30, 1980 / 1
E 1.10:8004103 Proceedings of the Department of Energy Advanced Gas Turbine Central Power Systems Workshop : April 30-May 2, 1980 / 1
E 1.10:8004110 Proceedings of the Carbon Dioxide and Climate Research Program Conference, Washington, DC, April 24-25, 1980 / 1
E 1.10:8005103-SUMM AESOP XXI : summary of proceedings, May 20-22, 1980, Cincinnati,Ohio. 1
E 1.10:8005106 Travel, tourism and energy : a final report on the National Travel and Tourism Energy Conference. 1
E 1.10:8005107 Alternate nuclear waste forms and interactions in geologic media : proceedings of a workshop summarizing advanced activities and formulating requirements for the future, May 13-15, 1980, Gatlinburg, Tennessee / 1
E 1.10:8006156 Basic research needs and opportunities on interfaces in solar materials : proceedings of a July 1980 workshop, executive summary, overview of solar energy conversion systems and designs, assessment of the state-of-interface science relevant to solar energy conversion systems, discussion of interface research needs and opportunities. 1
E 1.10:8006249 Effect of Co₂ on mammalian organisms : report of a workshop, June 5-6, 1980, Bethesda, Maryland / 1
E 1.10:8008101 Summary proceedings of New Technology Integration Planning Workshop, August 19-22, 1980, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia / 1