Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.19:0452 P Understanding our genetic inheritance : the U.S. Human Genome Project : the first five years, FY 1991-1995. 1
E 1.19:0453 P HEPAP Subpanel on the U.S. High Energy Physics Research Program for the 1990s. 1
E 1.19:0454 Guide for the preparation of proposals for the pre-freshman enrichment program PREP-1991 / 1
E 1.19:0455 P Basic energy sciences : summary of accomplishments / 1
E 1.19:0457 T Standard NIM instrumentation system / 1
E 1.19:0458 T Nuclear physics computer networking : report of the Nuclear Physics Panel on Computer Networking / 1
E 1.19:0459 T Simulating climate with two different numerical schemes / 1
E 1.19:0461 P Laser spectroscopy : assessment of research needs for laser technologies applied to advanced spectroscopic methods / 1
E 1.19:0464 P Report of the 1990 HEPAP Subpanel on SSC Cost Estimate Oversight. 1
E 1.19:0466 P FEDIX : an on-line information service for universities and other research organizations : user's guide. 1
E 1.19:0474 T Summaries of physical research in the geosciences. 1
E 1.19:0475 P  
E 1.19:0477 T Dynamics of the continental margins : a report to the U.S. Department of Energy : held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, June 18-20, 1990 / 1
E 1.19:0478 T Confinement systems program summary. 1
E 1.19:0479 T Building an advanced climate model : program plan for the CHAMMP Climate Modeling Program. 1
E 1.19:0480 P Indoor radon and decay products : concentrations, causes and control strategies / 1
E 1.19:0482 T Basic research for environmental restoration. 1
E 1.19:0486 T  
E 1.19:0489 P The DOE program in high performance computing and communications. 1
E 1.19:0489 P/991-2 The DOE program component of the Federal High Performance Computing and Communications Program. 1