Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.2:F 76 The role of foreign governments in the energy industries. 1
E 1.2:F 76/2 Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program. 1
E 1.2:F 79 Small Business Innovation Research : Fossil Energy / 1
E 1.2:F 95 The Nuclear fuel cycle. 1
E 1.2:F 95/3 Spent Fuel Working Group report on inventory and storage of the department's spent nuclear fuel and other reactor irradiated nuclear materials and their environmental, safety, and health vulnerabilities. 1
E 1.2:F 95/3/V.1-3 Spent Fuel Working Group report on inventory and storage of the department's spent nuclear fuel and other reactor irradiated nuclear materials and their environmental, safety, and health vulnerabilities. 1
E 1.2:F 95/4/997 Taking an alternative route : fueling the future. 1
E 1.2:F 95/5/995 Alternative fuel technical information on performance and safety for operators and owners / 1
E 1.2:F 96 Functional interrelationships of the Office of Minority Economic Impact / 1
E 1.2:F 96/3  
E 1.2:F 98 Fusion energy bringing a star to Earth.
Fusion : information bulletin.
E 1.2:F 98/2 [The future of energy is in your hands] 1
E 1.2:F 98/4 Report on an assessment of the feasibility of the Fusion Simulation Project and a recommended course of action 1
E 1.2:G 21 Proposed standby gasoline rationing plan : public comments. 1
E 1.2:G 21/2 Proceedings of the Gas Calorimeter Workshop held at Fermilab October 28 and 29, 1982. 1
E 1.2:G 21/3 Using landfill gas for energy : projects that pay. 1
E 1.2:G 22 Your gateway to California site computer support. 1
E 1.2:G 28 Genesis science and the beginning of time : plenary lecture American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting, Denver, Colorado, 14 February, 2003. 1
E 1.2:G 28/2 Breaking the Bottleneck of Genomes: Understanding Gene Function Across Taxa : workshop report. 1
E 1.2:G 29 Atlas geoquímico de los cuadrángulos de San José y Golfito, Costa Rica Geochemical atlas of the San José and Golfito quadrangles, Costa Rica / 1