Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-67 A review of the nuclear safeguards problem / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-68 A review of the nuclear waste disposal problem / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-69 Pulse combustion technology for heating applications. 1
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-70 Water laws in eleven Midwestern States : summary tables / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-71 An overview of RELCOMP, the reliability and ocst model for electrical generation planning / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EES-TM-74 The water quality impacts of increased coal utilization / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EIS-10 Energy resources technical training and development programs for American Indians / 1
E 1.28:ANL/EMR-1/v.2 Integrated mined-area reclamation and land-use planning. 1
E 1.28:ANL/EMR-3 Stability of extractable organic constituents in stored samples of gasification condensates inferred from comparisons of GC/MS total ion chromatograms / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-64 A parametric study of turbine systems for compressed air energy storage plants : final report for FY 1977 / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-65 Survey of biomedical and environmental data bases, models, and integrated computer systems at Argonne National Laboratory / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-70 Prime farmland disturbances from coal surface mining in the Corn Belt, 1980-2000 / by David P. Bernard. 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-76 An assessment of stirling engine potential in total and integrated energy systems / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-77 Application of availability engineering to coal gasification systems : a study of a Woodall/Duckham low-Btu gasifier system for the Erie Mining Company / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-78 Simulation of waste treatment (SWAT) model : a method for cost-effectiveness analyses of wastewater treatment strategies / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-79 Environmental analysis of a formerly utilized MED/AEC site : site A and plot M, Palos Forest Preserve, Palos Park, Illinois / 1
E 1.28:ANL/ES-80 Engineering evaluation of a formerly utilized MED/AEC site : site A and plot M, Palos Forest Preserve, Palos Park, Illinois / 1
E 1.28:ANL-FE-49622-12 Instrumentation and process control for fossil demonstration plants. 1
E 1.28:ANL/FE-49622-18 Instrumentation and process control for coal conversion / 1
E 1.28:ANL/FPP-77-3 Simulation of large-scale air detritiation operations by computer modeling and bench-scale experimentation / 1