Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.28:GA-A 14766 Thermal stress analysis of the 300-MW(e) gas-cooled fast breeder reactor grid plate / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14768 Tensile test of 2500-kip prestressing tendons for the PCRV / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14771 Gas-cooled fast breeder reactor. 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14778 Gas-turbine and advanced-HTGR materials screening test program / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14801 Gas turbine HTGR program / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14802 Component and systems development program / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14812/v.2 Core seismic methods verification report / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14816 Process development report : 0.40-m primary burner system / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14834 Analysis of full core steam flooding experiments for the phase II GCFR critical assembly / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14848 Analysis of nuclear systems satisfying U.S. energy needs / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14856 GCFR alternatives design study / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14857 Preliminary structural analysis of PCRV for 300-MW(e) gas cooled fast breeder reactor / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14859 Design evaluation of the HTGR fuel element size reduction system / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14860 Design evaluation, pneumatic transport and classification / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14876 Parametric requirements for noncircular tokamak commercial fusion plants / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14878 HTGR fuel recycle development program. 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14895 Magnetic fusion energy program / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14910 Spent fuel reprocessing system availability definition by process simulation / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14915 Gas turbine HTGR program / 1
E 1.28:GA-A 14922 HTGR generic technology program safety, systems and component design and development / 1