E 1.28:HEDL-TME 79-21
Strength and ductility of fast reactor irradiated austenitic stainless steels / |
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E 1.28:HEDL-TME 79-23
Results from the run-beyond-cladding-breach irradiation of a predefected fuel pin (RBCB-6) / |
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E 1.28:HEDL-TME 79-34
SIFAIL, a subprogram to calculate cladding deformation and damage for fast reactor fuel pins / |
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E 1.28:HEDL-TME 79-40
FERRET data analysis code / |
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E 1.28:HEDL-TME-79-62
Results from the run-beyond-cladding-breach irradiation of a predefected fuel pin (RBCB-7) / |
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E 1.28:HEDL-TME 79-72
DILATE--a 2-D structural program for the dilation response of hexagonal ducts / |
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E 1.28:HIG-79-9
Chloride/magnesium ratio of shallow groundwaters as a regional geothermal indicator in Hawaii / |
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E 1.28:HIT-725
Energy and environmental analysis of the lead-acid battery life cycle / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1050-IV
Fast reactor fission yields for ²⁴⁰Pu and ²⁴²Pu / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1137
Laboratory evaluation of Zeolite molecular sieve 3A for absorption of tritiated water vapor from HTGR fuel reprocessing off-gas / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1142
Absolute thermal fission yields for ²³⁵U / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1143
E 1.28:ICP-1144
Final report : development of a metal matrix for incorporating high-level commercial waste / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1145
The potential application of microwave energy in solidifying high-level nuclear wastes / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1148
Pilot-plant development of a Rover waste calcination flowsheet / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1151
Liquid-fluidized-bed heat exchanger flow distribution model / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1156
Isotope correlation studies relative to high enrichment test reactor fuels / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1161
Product removal and solids transport from fluidized-bed calciners. |
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E 1.28:ICP-1162
Off-gas cleanup system considerations for fluidized-bed radioactive waste calcination at the ICPP / |
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E 1.28:ICP-1163
Calcination flowsheet development / |
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