E 1.28:LA-7088
Modeling and optimizing a gas-water reservoir / |
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E 1.28:LA-7093
Computer Science and Services Division activities and plans. |
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E 1.28:LA-7105-MS
Preprocessing of PHERMEX flash radiographic images / |
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E 1.28:LA-7106-MS
Quartz crystal microbalances : a refined technique for determining changes in mass loading from frequency shifts / |
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E 1.28:LA-7108
Neutron detector suitcase for the nuclear emergency search team / |
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E 1.28:LA-7109-PR
Hot dry Rock geothermal energy development project : annual report, fiscal year 1977 / |
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E 1.28:LA-7113-MS
Tunable lasers for waste management photochemistry applications / |
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E 1.28:LA-7115-PR
Solar energy research at LASL / |
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E 1.28:LA-7124-MS
Annotated bibliography on high-intensity linear accelerators / |
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E 1.28:LA-7126-MS
DYMAC demonstration program : phase I experience / |
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E 1.28:LA-7132-PR
Superconducting magnetic energy storage project at LASL / |
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E 1.28:LA-7134-PR
Low temperature physics and engineering. |
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E 1.28:LA-7139-PR
NDA technology for uranium resource evaluation. |
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E 1.28:LA-7141-T
Building environmental systems evaluation for the National Security and Resources Study Center / |
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E 1.28:LA-7143
Event matrix system / |
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E 1.28:LA-7155-MS
An electrothermal technique for the alteration of corneal curvature / |
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E 1.28:LA-7157-MS
Some new accelerating structures for high current intensity accelerators / |
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E 1.28:LA-7159-T
Nuclear data development and shield design for neutrons below 60 MeV / |
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E 1.28:LA-7164-PR
Explosively produced fracture of oil shale. |
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E 1.28:LA-7165-PR
Magnetic refrigerator development. |
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