Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6708 Radiation effects on organic insulators for superconducting magnets / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6709 The response of a uranium-plastic calorimeter to low GeV (<1̲0-GeV) protons / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6710 Stable isotope customer list and summary of shipments, FY 1978 / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6711 Electron-beam welding of thorium-doped iridium alloy sheets / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6715 An assessment of materials for use in a solar ceramic receiver for chemical process heat / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6716 Notch effects in uniaxial tension specimens / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6722 Oak Ridge TNS program : technical needs assessment / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6728 Oak Ridge TNS program : reference design and program plan for a TNS ECH startup system / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6729 Oak Ridge TNS program : study of fueling techniques in support of TNS development / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6730 Neutral beam energy and power requirements for expanding radius and full bore startup of tokamak reactors / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6731 Oak Ridge TNS program : low density ignition scenarios using injection heating / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6733 ETF mission statement document / ETF Design Center team ; prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6734 Heat exchanger design for desalination plants : review of the Office of Saline Water Research and Development Program / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6736 Synthesis of aliphatic nitrate esters by reaction of metal nitrates with phosphate esters / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6739 A systematic method for resource rating with two applications to potential wilderness areas / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6740 QUARTZ, a numerical simulation of an asymmetric electrostatic accelerator / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6742 Air quality and point source emissions data for the Southern United States / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6743 ELMO Bumpy Torus / 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6747 Gel-sphere-pac activities for the fuel refabrication and development program. 1
E 1.28:ORNL/TM-6750 Acid in perchloroethylene scrubber solutions used in HTGR fuel preparation processes : analytical chemistry studies / 1