E 1.28:SAND 79-8041
Corrosion resistance of zinc-nickel plated U-O.75 Ti / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8049
The physical properties of NH₄C1.3NH₃ / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8200
Hydrogen compatibility of structural materials for energy storage and transmission / |
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E 1.28:SAND-79-8202
Derivation of the coupled equations of motion for a beam subjected to three translational accelerations and three rotational accelerations / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8209
Prediction of yearly fluid replenishment rates for hydrocarbon fluids in thermal energy storage systems / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8211/v.2
Systems Studies Department FY78 activity report / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8243
Numerical rank determination in linear least squares problems / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8256
Fundamental combustion and diagnostics research at Sandia / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8258
Some considerations related to capacity credit for central station solar power plants / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8266
Comparison between results of the Helios and Mirval computer codes applied to central receiver solar-energy collection / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8276
Silver deterioration in second surface solar mirrors / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8285
Fundamental combustion and diagnostics research at Sandia / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8508
Department of Energy Large Solar Central Power Systems Semiannual Review / |
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E 1.28:SAND-79-8607
An analysis of particle-temperature modulations induced by pulsed-laser sources / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8632
Sandia Laboratories Materials Task Group review of the 10-MW[subscript e] Barstowe pilot plant conceptual design / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8634
The high temperature compatibility of nitrate salts, granite rock and pelletized iron ore / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8646
Technologies and economics of small scale hydrogen storage / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8655
The research efforts in eight industrial countries to increase the use of coal / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8685
A critical comparison of hot-wire anemometry and laser Doppler velocimetry for I.C. engine applications / |
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E 1.28:SAND 79-8717
Laser absorption measurements of OH in a methane-air flat flame / |
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