Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.28:UCRL-52467 Conceptual design of the field-reversed mirror reactor / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52468 Institutional constraints and potential for oil shale development / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52471 Finite difference solution of the diffusion equation on coupled Eulerian and Lagrangian grids / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52472 PIECHART, a computer program that draws piecharts in color / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52473 Total ozone retrieval from satellite multichannel filter radiometer measurements / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52474 Automation of the Jarrell-Ash model 70-134 emission spectrometer / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52475 Electronic balance operating instructions / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52477 A high temperature viscometer for use at 100 kPa / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52478 Reference design for the standard mirror hybrid reactor : a joint report / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52479 MATHEW : a mass-consistent wind field model / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52480 Analysis of a radial-outflow reaction turbine concept for geothermal application / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52481 Sensitivity of Macrocystis gametophytes to copper / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52483 Feasibility study for automating the analytical laboratories of the Chemistry Branch, National Enforcement Investigation Center, Environmental Protection Agency / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52484 Electromagnetic cross-borehole survey of a site proposed for an urban transit station / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52486 A feasibility study for automating the Kansas City Surveillance and Analysis Division Laboratory, Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52487 Shiva laser system performance / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52488 Principal components analysis and its application to wind field pattern recognition / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52489 An introduction to energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52490 The application of random-point processes to the detection of radiation sources / 1
E 1.28:UCRL-52491 Sperm from the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, cannot be dispersed by conventional methods / 1