Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.83/3:ORNL/CDIAC/ Catalog of data bases and reports / 1
E 1.83/3:ORNL/CDIAC-34 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center catalog of data bases and reports / 1
E 1.83/3:ORNL/CDIAC-39 Glossary : carbon dioxide and climate / 1
E 1.84: The Domestic natural gas and oil initiative : ... annual progress report.
MHD program plan
Strategic petroleum reserve annual report
Natural gas, imports and exports
Program update ... as of December 31 ...
Strategic petroleum reserve annual report.
Fossil energy program report /
Strategic Petroleum Reserve annual report
E 1.84/2: Naval petroleum and oil shale reserves annual report of operations 1
E 1.84/3: Fossil energy review. 1
E 1.84/4: Clean coal today : an update of the U.S. Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy.
Clean coal today an update of the U.S. Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy.
E 1.84/5: Topical report / 1
E 1.84:0005 Gas resources RD & D plan. 1
E 1.84/5:1 Tidd : the nation's first PFBC combined-cycle demonstration / 1
E 1.84/5:2 Coolside and LIMB : sorbent injection demonstrations nearing completion : a report on a project conducted jointly under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy, the Babcock & Wilcox Company. 1
E 1.84/5:3 Reduction of NOx and SO₂ using gas reburning, sorbent injection, and integrated technologies : a report on two projects conducted jointly under cooperative agreements between the U.S. Department of Energy and Energy and Environmental Research Corporation. 1
E 1.84/5:11 Commercial-scale demonstration of the liquid phase methanol (LPMEOH) process a report on a project conducted jointly under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and Air Products Liquid Phase Conversion Company. 1
E 1.84/5:15 Blast furnace granular coal injection system demonstration project. 1
E 1.84/5:17 Clear coal technology software systems in clean coal demonstration projects. 1
E 1.84/5:18 Environmental benefits of clean coal technologies 1
E 1.84/5:19 The Tampa Electric integrated gasification combined-cycle project, an update : a report on a project conducted jointly under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and Tampa Electric Company. 1
E 1.84/5:20 The Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project a 262 MWe commercial scale integrated gasification combined cycle power plant : an update : a report on a project conducted jointly under a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Energy and Wabash River Coal Gasification Project Joint Venture. 1
E 1.84/5:21 Coproduction of power, fuels and chemicals. 1
E 1.84/5:22 The JEA large-scale CFB combustion demonstration project a report on a project conducted jointly under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and JEA. 1