Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: 032001 B physics measurement of the j/psi meson and b-hadron production cross sections in p anti-p collisions at s**½ = 1960 gev.
Search for b0(s) --> mu+ mu- and b0(d) --> mu+ mu- decays in p anti-p collisions at s**½ = 1.96 tev
E 1.99: 0000033745-000 Integrated chemiresistor array for small sensor platforms 1
E 1.99: 0000033829-000 Characterization of high-voltage cathodes in CsBr-LiBr-KBr eutectic electrolyte 1
E 1.99: 0000033830-000 A study of the stack relaxation in thermal batteries on activation 1
E 1.99: 0000033834-000 Characterization of vacuum-multifoil insulation for long-life thermal batteries 1
E 1.99: 0000033853-000 Design and performance of nitride-based ultraviolet (UV) LEDs 1
E 1.99: 0000033875-000 Power for peace, prosperity, and the environment 1
E 1.99:0034174 Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (December 2021) 1
E 1.99:34174 Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (June 2020)
Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (Dec 2020, Revision)
Community Solar Policy Screening Workbook for Multifamily Affordable Housing Building Portfolios
E 1.99: 0000034282-000 Comparison of fabrication approaches for selectively oxidized VCSEL arrays 1
E 1.99: 0000034332-000 Internet-based calibration of a multifunction calibrator 1
E 1.99: 0000034401-000 Constitutive modeling of viscoplastic damage in solder material 1
E 1.99: 0000034415-000 Gas phase chemical detection with an integrated chemical analysis system 1
E 1.99:34454 Opportunities for Solar for Industrial Process Heat in the United States 1
E 1.99:34772 Initiative to Further Develop X-Ray Microbeam Capabilites and Facilities for Scientific and Industrial Applications 1
E 1.99: 0000034887-000 New methods for predicting lifetimes. Part 2 -- The Wear-out approach for predicting the remaining lifetime of materials 1
E 1.99: 0000034983-000 South Asia Water Resources Workshop An effort to promote water quality data sharing in South Asia. 1
E 1.99: 0000035001-000 Constitutive models for the Etchegoin Sands, Belridge Diatomite, and overburden formations at the Lost Hills oil field, California 1
E 1.99: 0000035042-000 A case study in modeling company policy documents as a source of requirements 1
E 1.99: 0000035043-000 Sandia and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, 1974--1999 1