Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: 0000035066-000 Time resolved ion beam induced charge collection 1
E 1.99: 0000035076-000 Geographic resolution issues in RAM transportation risk analysis 1
E 1.99: 0000035094-000 Characterization of Si nanostructures using internal quantum efficiency measurements 1
E 1.99: 0000035109-000 Adhesion hysteresis of silane coated microcantilevers 1
E 1.99: 0000035111-000 The impact of solution agglomeration on the deposition of self-assembled monolayers 1
E 1.99: 0000035112-000 Catalytic photooxidation of pentachlorophenol using semiconductor nanoclusters 1
E 1.99: 0000035113-000 The equilibrium state of hydrogen in gallium nitride Theory and experiment. 1
E 1.99: 0000035114-000 Scaling and optimization of the radiation temperature in dynamic hohlraums 1
E 1.99: 0000035115-000 Bonding and hardness in nonhydrogenated carbon films with moderate sp(3) content 1
E 1.99: 0000035158-000 Insentropic compression of solid using pulsed magnetic loading 1
E 1.99: 0000035159-000 Single transverse mode selectively oxidized vertical cavity lasers 1
E 1.99: 0000035160-000 Effective index model predicts modal frequencies of vertical-cavity lasers 1
E 1.99: 0000035161-000 Wavelength dependent measurements of optical fiber transit time, material dispersion, and attenuation 1
E 1.99: 0000035174-000 Heterogeneity, permeability patterns, and permeability upscaling Physical characterization of a block of Massillon sandstone exhibiting nested scales of heterogeneity. 1
E 1.99: 0000035192-000 Grating light reflection spectroelectrochemistry for detection of trace amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons in water 1
E 1.99: 0000035204-000 Mechanical properties and shear failure surfaces of two alumina powders in triaxial compression 1
E 1.99: 0000035206-000 Effect of morphology of hydrophobic surfaces on cavitation kinetics 1
E 1.99: 0000035207-000 Algebraic mesh quality metrics 1
E 1.99: 0000035208-000 Demonstration of highly efficient waveguiding in a photonic crystal slab at x=1.5{micro}m wavelengths 1
E 1.99: 0000035209-000 Real-space and energy representations for the interface roughness scattering in quantum-well structures 1