Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: arxiv:1301.7067 First measurement of the muon antineutrino double-differential charged-current quasielastic cross section 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.0327 All-Sky Interferometry with Spherical Harmonic Transit Telescopes 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.0508 Measurement of the $ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $ production cross section in the all-jet final state in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.0726 Beam dynamics performances and applications of a low-energy electron-beam magnetic bunch compressor 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.0830 Combination of the top-quark mass measurements from the Tevatron and from the LHC colliders 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.1764 Searches for Higgs bosons in pp collisions at <mml math altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll" xmlns xocs="http //" xmlns xs="http //" xmlns xsi="http //" xmlns="http //" xmlns ja="http //" xmlns mml="http //" xmlns tb="http //" xmlns sb="http //" xmlns ce="http //" xmlns xlink="http //" xmlns cals="http //" xmlns sa="http //"><mml msqrt><mml mi>s</mml mi></mml msqrt><mml mo>=</mml mo><mml mn>7</mml mn><mml mtext> and </mml mtext><mml mn>8</mml mn><mml mtext> TeV</mml mtext></mml math> in the context of four-generation and fermiophobic models. 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.2205 Studies of rare B hadron decays to leptons at hadron colliders 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.2394 Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=0.9,2.76,\;\mathrm{and}\;7\;\mathrm{TeV} $ 1
E 1.99:arxiv:1302.3273 IAXO - The International Axion Observatory 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.3348 Vector boson+jets as background to top-quark physics at Tevatron and LHC 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.3968 Measurement of the X(3872) production cross section via decays to J/ψπ + π - in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.4018 Hierarchical probing for estimating the trace of the matrix inverse on toroidal lattices 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.4023 Measurements of top-quark properties at the Tevatron 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.4077 Extending the eigCG algorithm to nonsymmetric Lanczos for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.4642 Measurements of the Top Quark Pair-Production Cross Section 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.4652 Latest Constraints from Jet Measurements on Parton Distribution Functions and on the Strong Coupling Constant 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1302.5091 GFMC calculations of electromagnetic moments and M1 transitions in A {<=} 9 nuclei 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1303.0763 Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a top-quark pair in pp collisions at the LHC 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1303.0860 Isospin Decomposition of the Photoproduced Sigma pi System Near the Lambda(1405) 1
E 1.99: arxiv:1303.3227 On the potential role of the Collins effect in A_N in pp --> pion X 1