Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:betc/ri-78/24 Computer assisted analysis of brines using ion selective electrodes 1
E 1.99:betr Biogeochemical Transport and Reaction Model (BeTR) v1 1
E 1.99:bettidoe_gr528738 Final Report. Grant DOE DE-FG02-04ER54768 1
E 1.99:bff70fcd-603c-4ddd-b419-8c13ac9e54eb Linear Model 2 ? with Capillary Pressure 1
E 1.99: bfec-1981-3 1980 Environmental monitoring report US Department of Energy Facilities, Grand Junction, Colorado, and Monticello, Utah. 1
E 1.99:bg/l - mrnet BlueGene/L Specific Modification to MRNet Multicast/Reduction Network. 1
E 1.99:bgk-md BGK-MD, Version 1.0 1
E 1.99:bgqncl Blue Gene/Q Network Performance Counters Monitoring Library 1
E 1.99: bharc-300/85/002-vol.1-rev.1 Guidelines and workbook for assessment of organization and administration of utilities seeking operating license for a nuclear power plant. Guidelines for utility organization and administration plan. Volume 1, Revision 1 1
E 1.99: bharc-300/85/002-vol.2-rev.1 Guidelines and workbook for of organization and administration of utilities seeking operating license for a nuclear power plant. Workbook for assessment of organization and management. Volume, 2, Revision 1 1
E 1.99: bharc-311/81/031 Public meetings on nuclear waste management their function and organization. 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/81/027 Nuclear power and the public an update of collected survey research on nuclear power. 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/003 Drug and alcohol abuse the bases for employee assistance programs in the nuclear-utility industry. 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/004 Near-term improvements for nuclear power plant control room annunciator systems. [PWR; BWR] 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/008 Simulator fidelity and training effectiveness a comprehensive bibliography with selected annotations. 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/011-vol.1 Organizational analysis and safety for utilities with nuclear power plants an organizational overview. Volume 1. [PWR; BWR] 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/012-vol.2 Organizational analysis and safety for utilities with nuclear power plants perspectives for organizational assessment. Volume 2. [PWR; BWR] 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/83/016 Management and organizational assessments a review of selected organizations. 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/86/004 Issues in contracting with small minority businesses 1
E 1.99: bharc-400/86/005 General design of a technical assistance program to help DOE/prime contractor buyers in doing business with small disadvantaged businesses 1