Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52259 Identification and assessment of containment and release management strategies for a BWR Mark I containment 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52260 Generic risk insights for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactors 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52261 Study of operational risk-based configuration control 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52282 Generic risk insights for General Electric boiling water reactors 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52288 Review of the Diablo Canyon probabilistic risk assessment 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52289 Estimate of radionuclide release characteristics into containment under severe accident conditions. Final report 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52295 Selection of models to calculate the LLW source term 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52297 THATCH A computer code for modelling thermal networks of high- temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors. 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52303 Pilot program to assess proposed basic quality assurance requirements in the medical use of byproduct materials 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52309 Managing aging in nuclear power plants Insights from NRC maintenance team inspection reports. 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52311 Evaluations of 1990 PRISM design revisions 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52319 Analysis of Long-Term Station Blackout without automatic depressurization at Peach Bottom using MELCOR (Version 1.8) 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52323 Insights gained from aging research 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52332 Risk-based maintenance modeling. Prioritization of maintenance importances and quantification of maintenance effectiveness 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52333-vol.1 Advanced human-system interface design review guideline. General evaluation model, technical development, and guideline description 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52333-vol.2 Advanced human-system interface design review guideline. Evaluation procedures and guidelines for human factors engineering reviews 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52334 Source team evaluation for radioactive low-level waste disposal performance assessment 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52342 Risk-based Inspection Guide for the Susquehanna Station HPCI system 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52345 The effects of age on nuclear power plant containment cooling systems 1
E 1.99: bnl-nureg--52346 Sensitivity analysis and benchmarking of the BLT low-level waste source term code 1