Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: cbp note - 582 Pulse shape and spectrum of coherent diffraction-limited transition radiation from electron beams 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 585 Electron cloud development in the Proton Storage Ring and in theSpallation Neutron Source 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 586 Electron cloud instabilities in the Proton Storage Ring andSpallation Neutron Source 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 604 Evolving bunch and retardation in the impedance formalism 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 607 805 MHz and 201 MHz RF cavity development for MUCOOL 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 610 Buildup of electron cloud with different bunch pattern in thepresence of solenoid field 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 611 Simulation of secondary electron emission based on a phenomenological probabilistic model 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 618 The appreciation of stochastic motion in particle accelerators 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 619 Quantum interference 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 620 MICE -- Absorber and focus coil safety working group design document Preliminary design and assessments. 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 622 Progress of the PEP-II-B-factory 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 631 Proposal for an Enhanced Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission X-ray Free Electron Laser 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 637 Feasibility analysis for attosecond X-ray pulses at FERMI@ELETTRA free electron laser 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 640 Technique for the Generation of Attosecond X-Ray Pulses Using anFEL 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 656 Review of Current FFAG Lattice Studies in North America 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 659 Design of a non-scaling FFAG accelerator for proton therapy 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 660 A Non-Scaling Radial-Sector Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) Ring for Carbon Cancer Therapy 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 664 Study of Row Phase Dependent Skew Quadrupole Fields in Apple-II Type EPUs at the ALS 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 681 Robust autoresonant excitation in the plasma beat-waveaccelerator A theoretical study. 1
E 1.99: cbp note - 685 Beam Conditioning and Harmonic Generation in Free ElectronLasers 1