E 1.99:conf-800653-1
Fundamental aspects of the freezing of cells, with emphasis on mammalian ova and embryos |
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E 1.99:conf-800654-1
Comparative reservoir research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
1 |
E 1.99:conf-800655-1
DOE contractor vulnerability analysis DPA or MAIT. |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-2
Combined SAFE/SNAP approach to safeguards evaluation. [Safeguards Network Analysis] |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-3
Containment/surveillance concepts for international safeguards in reprocessing plants |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-4
Evaluation methodology for fixed-site physical protection systems. [Safeguards Upgrade Rule] |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-6
A l-nCi/g sensitivity transuranic waste assay system using pulsed neutron interrogation |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-7
Scintillator spent fuel monitor |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-8
Rapid fuel drawer scanner for fast critical assembly safeguards |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-9
Microcomputer based shelf system to monitor special nuclear materials in storage |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-10
Implementing advanced data analysis techniques in near-real-time materials accounting |
1 |
E 1.99: conf-800655-11
Nuclear safeguards applications of energy-dispersive absorption edge densitometry |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-12
Measurement trends for future safeguards systems |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-13
NDA technique for the assay of wet plutonium oxalate |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-14
Nondestructive measurements on spent fuel for the nuclear fuel cycle |
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E 1.99:conf-800655-15
Enhancement of kalman filter single loss detection capability |
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E 1.99:conf-800655-16
Technique for detecting a small magnitude loss of special nuclear material |
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E 1.99:conf-800655-17
Assessing the credibility of diverting through containment penetrations |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-18
Evaluation of process inventory uncertainties |
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E 1.99: conf-800655-19
Automated calibrations and dynamic corrections for differential pressure transmitters |
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