E 1.99: conf-8506149-1
Use of chemical explosives for emergency solar flare shelter construction and other excavations on the Martian surface |
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E 1.99: conf-8506149-2
Mars base buildup scenarios |
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E 1.99: conf-8506149-3
Anti-matter propulsion feasibility, status, and possible enhancement. |
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E 1.99: conf-8506149-4
Nuclear power supplies their potential and the practical problems to their achievement for space missions. |
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E 1.99: conf-8506149-5
Assessment of the advantages and feasibility of a nuclear rocket |
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E 1.99: conf-8506150-2
Gas cell neutralizers (Fundamental principles) |
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E 1.99: conf-8506150-3
ATSU Point Design (gasdynamics) |
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E 1.99: conf-8506152-1
Proton polarimeters for spin transfer experiments |
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E 1.99:conf-8506152-2
Deep inelastic muon scattering with hadron detection |
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E 1.99: conf-8506152-3
Superconducting quadrupoles |
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E 1.99:conf-8506152-4
Report of the Internal Target Working Group |
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E 1.99:conf-8506153-1
Refractory alloy performance unresolved issues and status summary. |
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E 1.99:conf-8506153-2
Refractory alloy performance product form procurement and component fabrication. |
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E 1.99:conf-8506153-3
Refractory alloy performance unresolved issues and status summary. |
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E 1.99:conf-8506155-
Health and environmental effects of complex chemical mixtures proceedings. |
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E 1.99:conf-8506156-1
Nuclei in the Skyrme model |
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E 1.99: conf-8506157-1
Computational needs for modelling accelerator components |
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E 1.99: conf-8506157-2
Future plans for HEP computing in the US |
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E 1.99: conf-8506157-3
Fermilab advanced computer program multi-microprocessor project |
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E 1.99: conf-8506157-4
Status of networking for high energy physics in the United States |
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