E 1.99:conf-850996-4
Nuclear power plant training simulator fidelity assessment |
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E 1.99:conf-851007-1
Verification of steady-state temperature predictions in an instrumented LMFBR driver subassembly |
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E 1.99:conf-851007-2
Conceptual design basis and temperature predictions in a simulated instrumented LMFBR blanket subassembly |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-3
Four-fluid model of PWR degraded cores |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-4
TRAC-PF1/MOD-1 analysis of Loss-Of-Flow Test L9-4 |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-5
Loss-of-flow transient characterization in carbide-fueled LMFBRs |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-6
Analysis of multiple-tube ruptures in both steam generators for the Three Mile Island-1 pressurized water reactor |
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E 1.99:conf-851007-7
Flow visualization study of inverted annular flow of post dryout heat transfer region. [PWR; BWR] |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-8
Los Alamos PWR feed-and-bleed studies summary results and conclusions |
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E 1.99:conf-851007-11
Two-phase gas bubble-liquid boundary layer flow along vertical and inclined surfaces |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-12
Considerations for realistic ECCS evaluation methodology for LWRs |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-13
Evaluation of BWR emergency procedure guidelines for BWR ATWS using RAMONA-3B code |
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E 1.99:CONF-851007--13
Behavior of dissolved molybdenum during localized corrosion of austenitic stainless steel |
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E 1.99:conf-851007-14
Steady state temperature profiles in two simulated liquid metal reactor fuel assemblies with identical design specifications |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-15
RAMONA-3B/MINET composite representation of BWR thermal-hydraulic systems |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-16
Containment building atmosphere response during severe accidents in high temperature gas-cooled reactors |
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E 1.99: conf-851007-17
Investigation of hydrogen stratification and its application for the assessment of containment failure modes for a BWR Mark III containment during core meltdown accidents |
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E 1.99: conf-851009-1
Further measurements of electron transmission and avalanche gain in narrow lead glass tubing |
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E 1.99: conf-851009-2
High range gamma radiation meter |
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E 1.99: conf-851009-3
Applications of a portable MCA in nuclear safeguards |
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