Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:conf-921114-- Fuel Cell Seminar, 1992 Program and abstracts. 1
E 1.99: conf-921114--1 Testing of a multi-kWe SOFC power generation system 2
E 1.99: conf-921114--2 Westinghouse tubular SOFC technology 2
E 1.99: conf--921114--3 Integration of carbonate fuel cells with advanced coal gasification systems 2
E 1.99: conf-921114--4 Effects of composition on sintering of current interconnects in SOFC 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--7 Issues in weighting bioassay data for use in regressions for internal dose assessments 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--9 Iodine-124 production Excitation function for the ¹²⁴Te(d,2n)¹²⁴I and ¹²⁴Te(d,3n)¹²³I reactions from 7 to 24 MeV.
Iodine-124 production Excitation function for the [sup 124]Te(d,2n)[sup 124]I and [sup 124]Te(d,3n)[sup 123]I reactions from 7 to 24 MeV.
E 1.99: conf-921116--13 Compton-backscattering x-ray source for coronary angiography 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--16 Neutron-proton bremsstrahlung experiments 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--18 The positive-ion injector of ATLAS Design and operating experience. 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--19 Simulation of U-5 prototype undulator effects on the beam dynamics 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--20 Electron-electron interactions in fast neutral-neutral collisions 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--21 Particle tracking in E - φ space for synchrotron design and diagnosis
Particle tracking in E [minus] [phi] space for synchrotron design and diagnosis
E 1.99: conf-921116--22 Ne, Ar, Fe, and Cu Auger-electron production at National Synchrotron Light Source 2
E 1.99: conf-921116--23 Laue diffraction protein crystallography at the National Synchrotron Light Source 2
E 1.99:conf-921116--25 Intravenous coronary angiography utilizing K-emission and bremsstrahlung X-rays produced by electron bombardment 1
E 1.99: conf-921119--2-rev.1 Application of service examinations to transuranic waste container integrity at the Hanford Site. Revision 1 1
E 1.99: conf-921119--3 Crack growth behavior of candidate waste container materials in simulated underground water 1
E 1.99: conf-921121--2 Synthesis and properties of nanophase materials 1
E 1.99: conf-921122--1 A study of jet rates and measurement of [alpha][sub s] at the Z[sup 0] resonance 1