E 1.99: conf-9308157--1
Measured impact of neighborhood tree cover on microclimate |
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E 1.99: conf-9308157--absts
CIEE 1993 annual conference Program. |
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E 1.99: conf-9308158--2
Dielectric properties and electronic applications of aerogels |
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E 1.99: conf-9308158--3
Carbon aerogels An update on structure, properties, and applications. |
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E 1.99: conf-9308159--1
Graphical Programming A systems approach for telerobotic servicing of space assets. |
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E 1.99: conf-9308159--2
Lunar exploration rover program developments |
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E 1.99: conf-9308159--3
A teleoperated system for remote site characterization |
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E 1.99: conf-9308160--2
Characterization and processing of sintered products from Nano-crystalline powders generated by the RTDS method |
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E 1.99: conf-9308161--2
An automatic contact algorithm in DYNA3D for impact problems |
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E 1.99: conf-9308162--1
Optimization of an electron cyclotron resonance plasma etch process for n⁺ polysilicon HBr process chemistry. |
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E 1.99: conf-9308163--1
Vaporization behavior of non-stoichiometric refractory carbide materials and direct observations of the vapor phase using laser diagnostics |
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E 1.99: conf-9308163--2
Discontinuous phase formation and selective attack of SiC materials exposed to low oxygen partial pressure environments |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--1
Pions and neutrinos as probes of the nucleon and nuclear few-body system |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--2
A relativistic constituent quark model |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--3
Nuclear aspects of few-baryon systems |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--4
Monte Carlo studies of light nuclei Structure and response. |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--5
An antiproton-proton partial-wave analysis |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--6
Electron scattering from polarized deuterium at VEPP-3 |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--7
The E2/M1 mixing ratio in the excitation of the Δ from polarized photo-reactions |
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E 1.99: conf-9308164--8
Spin-structure function of the neutron (³He) SLAC results. |
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