Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-9404265--1 Enhancing in situ bioremediation with pneumatic fracturing 1
E 1.99: conf-9404269--1 Proactive maintenance initiatives at Argonne National Laboratory-West 1
E 1.99:CONF-9404278-- Joint Working Group-39, Manufacturing Technology Subworking Group-F, remote handling and automation 1
E 1.99: conf-9404283--1 Dynamical structure in paleoclimate data 1
E 1.99: conf-9404286--1 Photo- and cathodoluminescence of hydrothermally synthesized Y{sub 3}Al{sub 5}O{sub 12} Tb and NaY(WO{sub 4}){sub 2} Tb. 1
E 1.99:conf-9404305--vol.1 Colorado Conference on iterative methods. Volume 1
The conjugate gradient NAS parallel benchmark on the IBM SP1
Advancements and performance of iterative methods in industrial applications codes on CRAY parallel/vector supercomputers
On the interplay between inner and outer iterations for a class of iterative methods
Voila A visual object-oriented iterative linear algebra problem solving environment.
GMRES and integral operators
Iterative methods for distributed parameter estimation in parabolic PDE
Domain decomposed preconditioners with Krylov subspace methods as subdomain solvers
An iterative method for the solution of nonlinear systems using the Faber polynomials for annular sectors
Migration of vectorized iterative solvers to distributed memory architectures
Computational trigonometry
A Schwarz alternating procedure for singular perturbation problems
Subspace orthogonalization for substructuring preconditioners for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
Convergence of Arnoldi method
Schwarz and multilevel methods for quadratic spline collocation
A sparse matrix iterative method for efficiently computing multiple simultaneous solutions
Conformal mapping and convergence of Krylov iterations
Domain decomposition methods for solving an image problem
Parallel iterative procedures for approximate solutions of wave propagation by finite element and finite difference methods
Preconditioned iterations to calculate extreme eigenvalues
A two-level parallel direct search implementation for arbitrarily sized objective functions
Object-oriented design of preconditioned iterative methods
On the effects of using the GTH method in the iterative-aggregation disaggregation technique
Convergence estimates for iterative methods via the Kriess Matrix Theorem on a general complex domain
P-SPARSLIB A parallel sparse iterative solution package.
A component analysis based on serial results analyzing performance of parallel iterative programs
Portable, parallel, reusable Krylov space codes
Solving linear inequalities in a least squares sense
Multigrid and multilevel domain decomposition for unstructured grids
Iterative software kernels
The numerical solution of total variation minimization problems in image processing
Domain decomposition based iterative methods for nonlinear elliptic finite element problems
The use of the spectral method within the fast adaptive composite grid method
Peaks, plateaus, numerical instabilities, and achievable accuracy in Galerkin and norm minimizing procedures for solving Ax=b
Overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for the generalized Davidson method for the eigenvalue problem
New algorithms for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue computation
Performance analysis of high quality parallel preconditioners applied to 3D finite element structural analysis
PCG A software package for the iterative solution of linear systems on scalar, vector and parallel computers.
Parallel algorithms for unconstrained optimization by multisplitting with inexact subspace search - the abstract
Minimal residual method stronger than polynomial preconditioning
ITPACK project Past, present, and future.
Multilevel adaptive solution procedure for material nonlinear problems in visual programming environment
Comparing precorrected-FFT and fast multipole algorithms for solving three-dimensional potential integral equations
Recent progress and advances in iterative software (including parallel aspects)
Numerical solution of control problems governed by nonlinear differential equations
Recent ADI iteration analysis and results
Choosing the forcing terms in an inexact Newton method
E 1.99:conf-9404305--vol.2 Iterative methods for stationary convection-dominated transport problems
Maximizing sparse matrix vector product performance in MIMD computers
Modeling the diffusion of phosphorus in silicon in 3-D
Preconditioned time-difference methods for advection-diffusion-reaction equations
Experimental and theoretical studies of iterative methods for nonlinear, nonsymmetric systems arising in combustion
Multilevel first-order system least squares for PDEs
Robust iterative methods
A multigrid preconditioner for the semiconductor equations
A look-ahead variant of TFQMR
Grandchild of the frequency Decomposition multigrid method.
Parallel performance of a preconditioned CG solver for unstructured finite element applications
Time-parallel iterative methods for parabolic PDES Multigrid waveform relaxation and time-parallel multigrid.
CIMGS An incomplete orthogonal factorization preconditioner.
Fast non-symmetric iterations and efficient preconditioning for Navier-Stokes equations
Generalized conjugate gradient squared
Modeling groundwater flow on massively parallel computers
Constructive interference II Semi-chaotic multigrid methods.
Multigrid mapping and box relaxation for simulation of the whole process of flow transition in 3-D boundary layers
Preconditioned CG-solvers and finite element grids
Some comparison of restarted GMRES and QMR for linear and nonlinear problems
A parallel implementation of an EBE solver for the finite element method
Preconditioned iterative methods for unsteady non-Newtonian flow between eccentrically rotating cylinders
A multilevel approximate projections for incompressible flow calculations
Solution of dense systems of linear equations in electromagnetic scattering calculations
Multigrid with red black SOR revisited
Approximate inverse preconditioners for general sparse matrices
Krylov-subspace acceleration of time periodic waveform relaxation
Parallel algorithms for unconstrained optimizations by multisplitting
Matrix-valued polynomials in Lanczos type methods
Implicit extrapolation methods for multilevel finite element computations
On multigrid methods for image reconstruction from projections
Parallelizing Sylvester-like operations on a distributed memory computer
Parallel preconditioning for the solution of nonsymmetric banded linear systems
Iterative methods for Toeplitz-like matrices
A remark on band-Toeplitz preconditions for Hermitian Toeplitz systems
Preconditioning the pressure operator for the time dependent Stokes problem
Preconditioning techniques for constrained vector potential integral equations, with application to 3-D magnetoquasistatic analysis of electronic packages
The asymptotic convergence factor for a polygon under a perturbation
On the convergence of inexact Uzawa algorithms
Iterative solvers for Navier-Stokes equations Experiments with turbulence model.
An optimal iterative solver for the Stokes problem
A modified direct preconditioner for indefinite symmetric Toeplitz systems
Multilevel turbulence simulations
Circulant preconditioners with unbounded inverses Why non-optimal preconditioners may possess a better quality than optimal ones.
MGMRES A generalization of GMRES for solving large sparse nonsymmetric linear systems.
Block quasi-minimal residual iterations for non-Hermitian linear systems
Convergence analysis of combinations of different methods
An implementation of the TFQMR - algorithm on a distributed memory machine
Velocity-vorticity formulation of three-dimensional, steady, viscous, incompressible flows
On the relation between traditional iterative methods and modern multilevel/domain decomposition methods
Simulation of viscous flows using a multigrid-control volume finite element method
An iterative parallel sparse matrix equation solver with application to finite element modeling of electromagnetic scattering
Analysis of semi-Toeplitz preconditioners for first-order PDEs
Implementations of the optimal multigrid algorithm for the cell-centered finite difference on equilateral triangular grids
Explicit and implicit ode solvers using Krylov subspace optimization Application to the diffusion equation and parabolic Maxwell̀s system.
Equivariant preconditioners for boundary element methods
Multigrid waveform relaxation on spatial finite element meshes
Adapting implicit methods to parallel processors
Block-bordered diagonalization and parallel iterative solvers
A divide-and-inner product parallel algorithm for polynomial evaluation
Parallelizing iterative solvers for sparse systems of equations and eigenproblems on distributed-memory machines
Composite-step product methods for solving nonsymmetric linear systems
A nonlinear multigrid solver for a semi-Lagrangian potential vorticity-based barotropic model on the sphere
Two grid iteration with a conjugate gradient fine grid smoother applied to a groundwater flow model
On the relationship between ODE solvers and iterative solvers for linear equations
Incomplete block SSOR preconditionings for high order discretizations
Colorado Conference on iterative methods. Volume 2
A framework for the construction of preconditioners for systems of PDE
E 1.99:conf-9404313--1 Decontamination and decommissioning of the fission product pilot plant at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1
E 1.99:conf-9404319--summ LLW Forum meeting report, April 25--27, 1994 1
E 1.99: conf-9404327--summ Human genetics for non-scientists Practical workshops for policy makers and opinion leaders. 1
E 1.99:conf-9404338--summ The human genome Some assembly required. Final report. 1
E 1.99:conf-9404340--summ Report of the fifth international workshop on human X chromosome mapping 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--1 Communication library for run-time visualization of distributed, asynchronous data 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--2 Parallel Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model A runtime-tunable parallel benchmark code. 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--3 A scalable high-performance I/O system 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--4 Parallel tridiagnoalization through two-step band reduction 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--5 A compilation system that integrates high performance Fortran and Fortran M 1
E 1.99:conf-9405100--6 First principles simulation of materials properties 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--7 New techniques for parallel simulation of high-temperature superconductors 1
E 1.99: conf-9405100--8 Parallel performance of a symmetric eigensolver based on the Invariant Subspace Decomposition approach 1