Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-9405163--1 The Los Alamos Calibration Laboratory for multi-spectral and thermal imaging radiometer systems 1
E 1.99: conf-9405163--2 Radiometric sources for the Los Alamos National Laboratory calibration Laboratory 1
E 1.99:conf-9405164--1 Just tooling around Experiences with arctools. 1
E 1.99: conf-9405164--2 MAGENCO A map generalization controller for Arc/Info. 1
E 1.99: conf-9405165--1 Anaerobic metabolism of nitroaromatic compounds by sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria 1
E 1.99: conf-9405166--1 What did we learn from the Aharonov-Bohm effect? Is spin 1/2 different? 1
E 1.99:conf-9405167--1 Triple sorbent thermal desorption/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry determination of vapor phase organic contaminants 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--1 Trapping induced N{sub eff} and electrical field transformation at different temperatures in neutron irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--2 Investigation on the long-term radiation hardness of low resistivity starting silicon materials for RT silicon detectors in high energy physics 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--3 A high speed, wide dynamic range digitizer circuit for photomultiplier tubes 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--4 Scintillating fiber detector performance, detector geometries, trigger, and electronics issues for scintillating fiber tracking 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--5 Microstrip gas chamber on thin-film Pestov glass and micro gap chamber 1
E 1.99: conf-9405168--6 SVX′, the new CDF silicon vertex detector 1
E 1.99:conf-9405169--1 A wall-crawling robot for reactor vessel inspection in advanced reactors 1
E 1.99:conf-9405170--1 Mass spectrometry studies of the ionization of organic molecules by slow positrons 1
E 1.99:conf-9405170--2 Studies of positron induced luminescence from polymers 1
E 1.99:conf-9405170--3 A high intensity slow positron facility for the Advanced Neutron Source 1
E 1.99: conf-9405170--4 A tunable gamma-ray source based on the single-quantum annihilation of positrons 1
E 1.99: conf-9405170--5 Role of implantation-induced defects in surface-oriented diffusion of fluorine in silicon 1
E 1.99: conf-9405170--6 Observation of diffraction effects in positron channeling 1