Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-940748--6 Safeguards and Nuclear Materials Management A view from the DOE Chicago Operations Office. 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--7 The Mass Tracking System for the Integral Fast Reactor fuel cycle 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--8 Implementation of MC&A performance testing at the Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--9 Some statistical aspects of background based groundwater standards at an arid hazardous waste site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--10 Intrusion detection sensor testing tools 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--11 Insider protection technology developments 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--12 Measurement of actinides and strontium-90 in high activity waste 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--13 Application of network technology to Remote Monitoring System 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--14 Alarm annunciation in a graphical environment 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--15 Analysis of censored data in groundwater monitoring wells at the Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--16 The changing role of Material Control and Accountability at Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--17 Near-real-time MC&A assesments 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--18 Operational readiness review of the Low Level Waste vaults at Savannah River Site A case study. 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--19 Improved method for determining tank heel volumes 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--20 Process for removing and detoxifying cadmium from scrap metal including mixed waste 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--21 Essential elements of an effective data qualification 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--22 Implementation of performance testing to support an insider vulnerability assessment at the Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--23 Decontamination and decommissioning experience at the Savannah River Site 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--24 The uncertainties in estimating measurement uncertainties 1
E 1.99: conf-940748--25 Comparison of model predictions with measurements using the improved spent fuel attribute tester 1