Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-960306--33 Evaluation of the effects of initial conditions on transients in PUMA 1
E 1.99:CONF-960306--34 Evaluation of severe accident risk during mid-loop operation at Surry unit-1 1
E 1.99:CONF-960310-- Electron beam curing of epoxy resins by cationic polymerization 1
E 1.99: conf-960310--1 Interfacing materials models with fire field models 1
E 1.99: conf-960310--2 Experimental characterization of fire-induced response of rigid polyurethane foam 1
E 1.99: conf-960310--3 Development of a corrosion detection experiment to evaluate conventional and advanced NDI techniques 1
E 1.99: conf-960310--4 DOE programs in fire and materials 1
E 1.99:CONF-960313--1 Analysis of polymer plastics by Fourier transform infrared microscopy 1
E 1.99:CONF-960314--1 Equilibria and effect of diluent in the solvent extraction of lithium salts by highly alkylated 14-crown-4-ethers 1
E 1.99:conf-960314--2 Solvent extraction of cesium by substituted crown ethers 1
E 1.99:CONF-960314--3 Solvent extraction of technetium from alkaline waste media using bis-4,4{prime}(5{prime})[(tert-butyl)cyclohexano]-18-crown-6 1
E 1.99:CONF-960314--4 A combined cesium-strontium extraction/recovery process 1
E 1.99:CONF-960317--1 Recovery of iron, carbon and zinc from steel plant waste oxides using the AISI-DOE postcombustion smelting technology 1
E 1.99: conf-960322--1 The Carnol System for methanol production and CO{sub 2} mitigation from coal fired power plants and the transportation sector 1
E 1.99: conf-960322--2 Carbon dioxide disposal in solid form 1
E 1.99:CONF-960322--3 Performance and economics of co-firing a coal/waste slurry in advanced fluidized-bed combustion 1
E 1.99:CONF-960332--1 United States-assisted studies on dose reconstruction in the former Soviet Union 1
E 1.99:CONF-960332--3 What is desirable and feasible in dose reconstruction for application in epidemiological studies? 1
E 1.99:CONF-960333--1 High temperature performance of nickel aluminide castings for furnace fixtures and components 1
E 1.99:CONF-960334-- Measurement of the thermoelectric properties of bulk and thin film materials 1