Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2787 The Sequential Empirical Bayes Method An Adaptive Constrained-Curve Fitting Algorithm for Lattice QCD. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2788 Large Logarithms in the Beam Normal Spin Asymmetry of Elastic Electron--Proton Scattering 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2789 Photoproduction of the Xi Hyperons 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2790 L = 1 Baryon Masses in the 1/N{sub c} Expansion 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2791 Energy Spread Monitoring for the JLAB Experimental Program Synchrotron Light Interferometers, Optical Transition Radiation Monitors and Wire Scanners. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2792 Undulator-Based Production of Polarized Positrons, A Proposal for the 50-GeV Beam in the FFTB 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2793 Hydrogen Uptake by High Purity Niobium Studied by Nuclear Analytical Methods 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2794 Superconducting Radio Frequency Technology An Overview. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2795 Ultrasonic Velocity and Texture of High RRR Niobium 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2796 Towards strongly HOM-damped multi-cell RF cavities 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2797 New Possibilities for Studying Nucleon Resonances on the Basis of an Analysis of Polarization Observables and Off-Scattering-Plane Angular Distributions in the Reaction gamma{sub v} p {yields} pi{sup +} pi{sup -} p 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2798 A high-gradient high-duty-factor RF photo-cathode electron gun 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2799 CEBAF celebrates seven years of physics 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2800 Electron deuteron scattering with HERA, a letter of intent for an experimental programme with the H1 detector 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2801 Dynamics of the quasielastic <math display='inline'><mrow><mmultiscripts><mi mathvariant='normal'>O</mi><mprescripts/><none/><mn>16</mn></mmultiscripts><mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>e</mi><mo>,</mo><msup><mi>e</mi><mo>'</mo></msup><mi>p</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math> reaction at <math display='inline'><mrow><msup><mi>Q</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>≈</mo><mrow><mn>0.8</mn><mspace width='0.3em'/><msup><mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>GeV</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>c</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></mrow></math> 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2802 Towards a Connection Between Nuclear Structure and QCD 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2803 Experimental determination of the evolution of the Bjorken integral at low Q{sup 2} 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2804 A Cure for Multipass Beam Breakup in Recirculating Linacs 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2805 The LBNL Femtosource 10 kHz Photoinjector 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-2806 Analysis of a Grid Window Structure for RF Cavities in a Muon Cooling Channel 1