Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3312 The SNS Superconducting Linac System 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3313 Progress in the Development of SRF Cavity Tuners Based on Magnetic Smart Materials 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3314 Sensitivity of the CSR Self-Interaction to the Local Longitudinal Charge Concentration of an Electron Bunch 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3315 Analysis of Beam-Beam Kink Instability in a Linac-Ring Electron-Ion Collider 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3316 An Overview of Electron Polarimeters and an Intercomparison 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3317 A 10 kW IRFEL Design for Jefferson Lab 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3318 Developments of 700-Mhz 5-Cell Superconducting Cavities for APT 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3319 A High Power and High Repetition Rate Modelocked Ti-Sapphire Laser for Photoinjectors 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3320 The quasielastic 2H(e,e'p)n reaction at high recoil momenta 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3323 N* Masses from QCD Sum Rules 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3327 Polarization in photodisintegration of the deuteron 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3329 Quark-Hadron Duality Higher Twists and Large-X Structure Functions. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3330 Single-spin asymmetry in DVCS fragmentation region of polarised lepton. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3331 Subleading corrections to parity-violating pion photoproduction 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3332 Key Issues in Hadronic Physics 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3333 Hydroforming of Tesla Cavities at Desy 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3334 Software for batch farms 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3335 BeamOptics a Symbolic Platform for Modeling and the Solution of Beam Optics System. 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3336 Rearranging Pionless Effective Field Theory 1
E 1.99: doe/er/40150-3337 Polarization transfer in the {sup 4}He({rvec e}, e'{rvec p}){sup 3}H reaction 1