E 1.99: egg--2594
An assessment of BWR (boiling water reactor) Mark III containment challenges, failure modes, and potential improvements in performance |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2597
Models for estimation of service life of concrete barriers in low-level radioactive waste disposal |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2603
Radiation degradation in EPICOR-2 ion exchange resins |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2604
Low-level radioactive waste disposal facility closure |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2605
Effect of pH on the release of radionuclides and chelating agents from cement-solidified decontamination ion-exchange resins collected from operating nuclear power stations |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2606
Simplified containment event tree analysis for the Sequoyah Ice Condenser containment |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2607
Pressure-dependent fragilities for piping components Pilot study on Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2608-vol.1
Assessment of ISLOCA risk Methodology and application to a Babcock and Wilcox nuclear power plant. Volume 1, Main report. |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2608-vol.2
Assessment of ISLOCA risk Methodology and application to a Babcock and Wilcox nuclear power plant. Volume 2, Appendices A--H. |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2609
Proceedings of the symposium on inservice testing of pumps and valves |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2610
Determination of the bias in LOFT fuel peak cladding temperature data from the blowdown phase of large-break LOCA experiments |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2618
Light water reactor lower head failure analysis |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2627
Models and Results Database (MAR-D), Version 4. 0 |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2628-vol.2
System Analysis and Risk Assessment system (SARA) Version 4.0 |
1 |
E 1.99:egg-2629
Development of magnetic resonance technology for noninvasive boron quantification |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2640
Risk analysis of highly combustible gas storage, supply, and distribution systems in PWR plants |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2644
Implications for accident management of adding water to a degrading reactor core |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2649
Assessment of ISLOCA risk Methodology and application to a Westinghouse four-loop ice condenser plant. |
1 |
E 1.99: egg--2650
Assessment of ISLOCA risk-methodology and application to a combustion engineering plant |
1 |
E 1.99:egg--2656
Public acceptability of the use of gamma rays from spent nuclear fuel as a hazardous waste treatment process |
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