Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: esl-64 Electromagnetic modeling of three-dimensional bodies in layered earths using integral equations 1
E 1.99: esl-70 Lithologic interpretation of the De Braga No. 2 and Richard Weishaupt No. 1 geothermal wells, Stillwater project, Churchill County, Nevada 1
E 1.99: esl-71 Interpretation of geophysical data from the Colado KGRA, Pershing County, Nevada 1
E 1.99: esl-72 Interpretation of the dipole-dipole electrical-resistivity survey, Tuscarora Geothermal Area, Elko County, Nevada 1
E 1.99: esl-74 SPXCPL two-dimensional modeling program of self-potential effects from cross-coupled fluid and heat flow (User's Guide and documentation for Version 1. 0) 1
E 1.99: esl-75 Study of well logs from Cove Fort-Sulphurdale KGRA, Millard and Beaver Counties, Utah 1
E 1.99: esl-77-2(tasks 2.1 and 2.2) Retrospective Case Studies 1
E 1.99: esl-77-3(tasks 3.1 and 3.2) State-coupled direct heat program, western states 1
E 1.99: esl-90 The Cove Fort-Sulphurdale KGRA, a geologic and geophysical case study 1
E 1.99: esl-98-vol.1 Geothermal direct heat program roundup technical conference proceedings
Resource investigation of low- and moderate-temperature geothermal areas in San Bernardino, California
Geothermal reconnaissance of a portion of the Escalante Valley, Utah
An evaluation of the hydrothermal resources of North Dakota, the final phase
E 1.99: esl-99-vol.2 Geothermal direct heat program roundup technical conference proceedings. Volume II. Bibliography of publications. State-coupled geothermal resource assessment program. 1
E 1.99: esl-101 Multielement geochemistry of three geothermal wells, Cove Fort-Sulphurdale geothermal area, Utah 1
E 1.99: esl-102 The Industry Coupled Case Study Program final report 1
E 1.99: esl-107 Tables of co-located geothermal-resource sites and BLM Wilderness Study Areas 1
E 1.99: esl-108 Resistivity, induced polarization, and self-potential methods in geothermal exploration 1
E 1.99: esl-109 Deep resistivity structure in southwestern Utah and its geothermal significance 1
E 1.99: esl-112 Stratigraphy and structure of the McCoy geothermal prospect, Churchill and Lander Counties, Nevada 1
E 1.99: esl-114 Controlled source electromagnetic methods in geothermal exploration 1
E 1.99: esl-120 Interpretation of self-potential measurements during injection tests at Raft River, Idaho. Final report 1
E 1.99: esl-121 Resistivity measurements before and after injection Test 5 at Raft River KGRA, Idaho. Final report 1