Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: jhu--7107 STUDY OF THE STRONG INTERACTION FORM FACTORS FOR K/sub L/° $Yields$ πμν AND K/sub L/° $Yields$ πeν 1
E 1.99: jhu-apl Geothermal Energy Development in the Eastern United States. Final Report 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Quarterly report, October-December 1979
Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Quarterly Report, July-September 1980
Geothermal Energy Development in the Eastern United States Technical assistance report No. 6 geothermal space heating and airconditioning -- McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey.
Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Quarterly Report, April-June 1980
Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Quarterly Report, October-December 1980
Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Quarterly Report, January-March 1980
Geothermal Energy Development in the Eastern United States, Sensitivity analysis-cost of geothermal energy
Energy Programs at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Quarterly Report, January-March 1981
Geothermal Energy Market Study on the Atlantic Coastal Plain Technical Feasibility of use of Eastern Geothermal Energy in Vacuum Distillation of Ethanol Fuel.
E 1.99: jhu/apl-ansp-m--20 Users manual for Aerospace Nuclear Safety Program six-degree-of-freedom reentry simulation (TMAGRA6C) 1
E 1.99: jhu/apl-ansp-m--21 GPHS motion studies for heat pulse intervals of reentries from gravity-assist trajectories. [General Purpose Heat Source Module (GPHS)]
GPHS motion studies for heat pulse intervals of reentries from gravity-assist trajectories. Aerospace Nuclear Safety Program
E 1.99: jhu/apl-ansp-m--22 Follow-up investigations of GPHS motion during heat pulse intervals of reentries from gravity-assist trajectories. Aerospace Nuclear Safety Program
Follow-up investigations of GPHS motion during heat pulse intervals of reentries from gravity-assist trajectories
E 1.99:jhu/apl-eqr-80-1 Energy programs. Quarterly report, January-March 1980 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-81-4 Ocean thermal energy. Quarterly report, October-December 1981 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-82-1 Ocean thermal energy. Quarterly report, January-March 1982 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-82-2 Ocean thermal energy. Quarterly report, April-June 1982 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-82-3 Ocean energy systems. Quarterly report, July-September 1982 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-82-4 Ocean energy systems. Quarterly report, October-December 1982 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-oqr-83-1 Ocean energy systems. Quarterly report, January-March 1983 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-qm-80-085 Geothermal Energy and the Eastern U.S. Progress Report 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-qm-80-101 Geothermal energy development in the Eastern United States. Technical assistance report No. 4. Geothermal space heating Pittsville Middle/Elementary School, Pittsville, Maryland. 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-qm-80-102 Geothermal energy development in the eastern United States technical assistance report no. 5. Geothermal space heating-naval air rework facility, Norfolk, Virginia. [Aircraft hangers] 1
E 1.99:jhu/apl-qm-81-112 Geothermal Energy Market Study on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. GRITS (Version 9) Model Description and User's Guide. 1
E 1.99:JHU/APL TL-99-054 Final report for the Advanced Natural Gas Vehicle Project 1
E 1.99: jhu-het-776 Study of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry in curved space-times 1
E 1.99: jhu-het-8108 Search for excited leptons in the next generation of experiments. [Preons] 1