Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-394 Blowdown heat transfer separate-effects program. Quarterly progress report, January-March 1980 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-395 Nuclear power plant simulators their use in operator training and requalification. 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-396 Survey of proposed functional requirements for a disturbance analysis and surveillance system 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-397 High-temperature gas-cooled reactor safety studies for the Division of Reactor Safety Research. Quarterly progress report, January 1-March 31, 1980 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-398 Eddy-current inspection for steam generator tubing program. Annual progress report for period ending December 31, 1979 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-401 Heavy-Section Steel Technology Program quarterly progress report for April-June 1980 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-402 Blowdown Heat Transfer Separate-Effects Program. Quarterly progress report, April-June 1980 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-403 Advanced two-phase flow instrumentation program. Quarterly progress report, January-March 1980 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-404 Proceedings of the CSNI specialists meeting on nuclear aerosols in reactor safety 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-405/p2 Computerized process control system for the ORR-PSF irradiation experiment. Part 2 mathematical basis and computer implementation of the temperature control algorithm. Volume 2. 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407/v2 ORNL rod-bundle heat-transfer test data. Volume 2. Thermal-Hydraulic Test Facility experimental data report for test 3. 03. 6AR - transient film boiling in upflow 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407/v3 ORNL rod-bundle heat-transfer test data. Volume 3. Thermal-hydraulic test facility experimental data report for test 3. 06. 6B - transient film boiling in upflow. [PWR] 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407-vol.1 ORNL rod bundle heat transfer test data. Volume 1. ORNL small break LOCA test series experimental data report. [PWR] 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407-vol.4 ORNL rod-bundle heat-transfer test data. Volume 4. ORNL small-break LOCA heat transfer test series II experimental data report. [PWR] 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407-vol.6 ORNL rod-bundle heat-transfer test data. Volume 6. Thermal-hydraulic test facility experimental data report for test 3. 05. 5B - double-ended cold-leg break simulation 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-407-vol.7 ORNL rod-bundle heat-transfer test data. Volume 7. Thermal-Hydraulic Test Facility experimental data report for test series 3. 07. 9 - steady-state film boiling in upflow 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-408 Sodium oxide and uranium oxide aerosol experiments NSPP Tests 106-108 and Tests 204-207, data record report. 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-412 Nonlinear sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in support of the blowdown heat transfer program. [Test 177 at Thermal-Hydraulic Test Facility] 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-413 Presence of pathogenic amoebae in power plant cooling waters. Final report, October 15, 1977-September 30, 1979. [Naegleria fowleri] 1
E 1.99: ornl/nureg/tm-414 Advanced Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation Program. Quarterly progress report, April-June 1980 1