E 1.99:pnl-4052
Feasibility of vitrifying EPICOR II organic resins |
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E 1.99:pnl-4053
Economic evaluation of four types of dry/wet cooling applied to the 5-MWe Raft River geothermal power plant |
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E 1.99: pnl-4054
Intruder dose pathway analysis for the onsite disposal of radioactive wastes the ONSITE/MAXI1 computer program. |
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E 1.99: pnl-4054-suppl.1
Intruder dose pathway analysis for the onsite disposal of radioactive wastes the ONSITE/MAXI1 computer program. Supplement No. 1. |
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E 1.99: pnl-4054-suppl.2
Intruder dose pathway analysis for the onsite disposal of radioactive wastes The ONSITE/MAXI1 computer program. |
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E 1.99:pnl-4055
Criteria for the evaluation of a dilute decontamination demonstration |
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E 1.99: pnl-4057
Statistical Sampling Plans for Prior Measurement Verification and Determination of the SNM Content of Inventories |
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E 1.99:pnl-4059
Power Histories for Fuel Codes |
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E 1.99:pnl-4062
Public meetings on nuclear waste management their function and organization. |
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E 1.99:pnl-4063
Radon Diffusion Through Uranium Mill Tailings and Cover Defects |
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E 1.99:pnl-4066
US Department of Energy wind turbine candidate site program the regulatory process. |
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E 1.99: pnl-4067
Radionuclide distributions and migration mechanisms at shallow land burial sites. Annual report of research investigations on the distribution, migration and containment of radionuclides at Maxey Flats, Kentucky. [Maxey Flats] |
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E 1.99:pnl-4068
Evaluation of ammonia as a working fluid for a wet/dry-cooled binary geothermal plant |
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E 1.99:pnl-4069
Design manual for a well-logging probe capable of measuring tritium |
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E 1.99:pnl-4070
A Unique Concept for Liquid Level and Void Fraction Detection in Severe Fuel Damage Tests |
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E 1.99: pnl-4071
Radon and aerosol release from open-pit uranium mining |
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E 1.99:pnl-4072
Survey of systems safety analysis methods and their application to nuclear waste management systems |
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E 1.99:pnl-4073
Optical losses of solar mirrors due to atmospheric contamination at Liberal, Kansas and Oologah, Oklahoma |
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E 1.99:pnl-4074
Comparison of the effect of outdoor exposure on the optical properties of solar mirrors and transparent encapsulant materials |
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E 1.99:pnl-4075
US energy conversion and use characteristics |
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