Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: rlo-2229-t14-1 Nutritional significance of Copper--Bering Intertidal System to spring-migrating shorebirds breeding in western Alaska. Annual report, April 1, 1977--March 31, 1978 1
E 1.99: rlo-2229-t6-6 Operation of a telemetered seismic network on the Alaska Peninsula 1
E 1.99: rlo-2229-t6-7 Operation of a telemetered seismic network on the Alaska Peninsula. Annual report 1
E 1.99:RLO-2229-T7-2 Utilization of geothermal energy resources in rural Alaskan communities. Final report, June 1-December 31, 1974 1
E 1.99: rlo-2229/t8-2 Search for shallow magma accumulations at Augustine Volcano 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-ta4-261 Theory of elementary particles. Annual report, 1979. [Univ. of Oregon] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-t4-203 Review of the theory and phenomenology of lepton pair production. [Review Drell-Yan mechanism, parton distribution, gluon radiation, quantum chromodynamics, transverse momentum] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-204 Pion structure function from low-p/sub T/ hadron production. [Recombination model] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-205 Nonfactorizability of inclusive distributions in perturbative QCD. [Leading algorithms approximation, large-angle gluon correction, transverse momentum] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-206 Recent theoretical developments in lepton pair production. [Perturbative, quantum chromodynamics, leading log approximation, total cross sections] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-208 New approach to lepton pair production. [Thermal parton model] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-209 Parton recombination model including resonance production. RL-78-040 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-211 Quark--parton model with large parton k/sub T/ 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-213 Interfacing theory and experiment in polarization studies 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-216 Determination of the chiral SU(4) x SU(4) breaking parameters 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-t4-217 Proposal to measure the D meson decay constant F/sub D/ 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-t4-218 Resolution of the eta'. -->. eta. pi pi. puzzle. [Current algebra, symmetry breaking, qurk mass terms] 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-t4-222 Perturbation theory at large order the choice of integration contour. 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230/t4-223 Construction of the functional integral representation for fermion Green's functions 1
E 1.99: rlo-2230-t4-226 Improved performance (transmission) gratings 1