E 1.99:1121805
Modeling the effect of glacier recession on streamflow response using a coupled glacio-hydrological model |
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E 1.99:1121818
Strain Measurement of Geological Samples Subjected to Triaxial Stresses Experienced During Hydraulic Loading |
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E 1.99:1121822
A Method for Modeling Household Occupant Behavior to Simulate Residential Energy Consumption |
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E 1.99:1121891
The Equation that Couldn't Be Solved How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry (APS Colloquium, 2006) |
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E 1.99:1121893
Biomedical Applications of Microprobe Analysis (APS Colloquium, 2005) |
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E 1.99:1121894
Photonic Crystals from Order to Disorder Perturbative Methods in Nanophotonics. |
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E 1.99:1121895
New Composite Thermoelectric Materials for Macro-size Applications (APS Colloquium, 2008) |
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E 1.99:1121896
High-Resolution Spectroscopy with the Chandra X-ray Observatory (APS Colloquium, 2007) |
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E 1.99:1122105
Toward the Development of Cluster-Based Materials |
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E 1.99:1122274
Liquid CO<sub>2</sub>/Coal Slurry for Feeding Low Rank Coal to Gasifiers |
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Investigation of WO₃-Based H₂S Sensor Materials for Coal Gasification Systems |
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E 1.99:1122556
Summary Report for the Investigation and Performance of the IAAC Bell Jar Vacuum System |
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E 1.99:1122558
Co-Production of Electricity and Hydrogen Using a Novel Iron-based Catalyst |
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E 1.99:1122562
Recovery Act Innovative CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration from Flue Gas Using Industrial Sources and Innovative Concept for Beneficial CO<sub>2</sub> Use. |
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Data Driven Discovery in Imaging and Spectroscopy |
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E 1.99:1122571
Extraterrestrial Materials The Role of Synchrotron Radiation Analyses in the Study of our Solar System. |
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E 1.99:1122572
Shedding Synchrotron Light on a Puzzle of Glasses |
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The Quantum Information Revolution 101 Uses for Schodinger's Cat. |
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E 1.99:1122575
X-rays at Solid-Liquid Surfaces |
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