E 1.99:1310543
Computational studies of solid-state alkali conduction in rechargeable alkali-ion batteries |
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E 1.99:1310696
Toward a Mechanistic Source Term in Advanced Reactors Characterization of Radionuclide Transport and Retention in a Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor. |
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E 1.99:1310700
Benchmark Simulations of the Thermal-Hydraulic Responses during EBR-II Inherent Safety Tests using SAM |
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E 1.99:1311213
Detecting magnetic ordering with atomic size electron probes |
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E 1.99:1311216
Estimation of Inherent Safety Margins in Loaded Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks |
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E 1.99:1311217
Structural effects of radiation-induced volumetric expansion on unreinforced concrete biological shields |
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E 1.99:1311219
Manufacturing demonstration of microbially mediated zinc sulfide nanoparticles in pilot-plant scale reactors |
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E 1.99:1311220
Automated and Cooperative Vehicle Merging at Highway On-Ramps |
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E 1.99:1311221
The Interaction of Melittin with Dimyristoyl Phosphatidylcholine-Dimyristoyl Phosphatidylserine Lipid Bilayer Membranes |
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E 1.99:1311222
Parallelizing the Smith-Waterman Algorithm using OpenSHMEM and MPI-3 One-Sided Interfaces |
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E 1.99:1311225
Analysis of switchgrass-derived bio-oil and associated aqueous phase generated in a semi-pilot scale auger pyrolyzer |
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E 1.99:1311226
Measurement and modeling of polarized specular neutron reflectivity in large magnetic fields |
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E 1.99:1311227
Characterization of DWARF14 Genes in Populus |
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E 1.99:1311228
Mesoporous xEr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>·CoTiO<sub>3</sub> composite oxide catalysts for low temperature dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene using CO<sub>2</sub> as a soft oxidant |
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E 1.99:1311231
Knockdown of a laccase in <i>Populus deltoides</i> confers altered cell wall chemistry and increased sugar release |
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E 1.99:1311232
Simultaneous knockdown of six non-family genes using a single synthetic RNAi fragment in Arabidopsis thaliana |
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E 1.99:1311234
Nanoforging Single Layer MoSe<sub>2</sub> Through Defect Engineering with Focused Helium Ion Beams |
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E 1.99:1311235
Aberrated electron probes for magnetic spectroscopy with atomic resolution Theory and practical aspects. |
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E 1.99:1311237
Distinct photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy signatures for identifying highly crystalline WS2 monolayers produced by different growth methods |
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E 1.99:1311239
Evaluation of “Autotune” calibration against manual calibration of building energy models |
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