E 1.99:1330580
Bridging the gap between sustainable technology adoption and protecting natural resources Predicting intentions to adopt energy management technologies in California. |
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E 1.99:1330583
Divergent predictions of carbon storage between two global land models attribution of the causes through traceability analysis. |
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E 1.99:1330675
Engineering electron metabolism to increase ethanol production in Clostridium thermocellum |
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E 1.99:1330680
Realization of highly efficient hexagonal boron nitride neutron detectors |
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E 1.99:1330681
Review—hexagonal boron nitride epilayers Growth, optical properties and device applications. |
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E 1.99:1330718
Cells respond to distinct nanoparticle properties with multiple strategies as revealed by single-cell RNA-Seq |
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E 1.99:1330719
Magnetic iron oxide and manganese-doped iron oxide nanoparticles for the collection of alpha-emitting radionuclides from aqueous solutions |
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E 1.99:1330744
Collaborative Proposal Improving Decadal Prediction of Arctic Climate Variability and Change Using a Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) |
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E 1.99:1330855
FINAL Progress Report DOE Grant DE-FG02-04ER15587 |
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E 1.99:1330964
Single-molecule tracking study of the permeability and transverse width of individual cylindrical microdomains in solvent-swollen polystyrene-<i>block</i>-poly(ethylene oxide) films |
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E 1.99:1330966
Probing metamaterials with structured light |
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E 1.99:1331001
Tailoring transport properties of phase-separated manganite films with ordered magnetic nanostructures |
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E 1.99:1331009
Incorporating poly(3-hexyl thiophene) into orthogonally aligned cylindrical nanopores of titania for optoelectronics |
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E 1.99:1331076
Small scale mechanical characterization of thin foil materials via pin load microtesting |
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E 1.99:1331077
Opportunities for nonvolatile memory systems in extreme-scale high-performance computing |
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E 1.99:1331079
A computational approach to predicting ligand selectivity for the size-based separation of trivalent lanthanides |
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E 1.99:1331080
Assessing ligand selectivity for uranium over vanadium ions to aid in the discovery of superior adsorbents for extraction of UO<sub>2</sub><sup>2+</sup> from seawater |
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E 1.99:1331081
Status of Theory and Experiment in Hadronic Parity Violation |
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E 1.99:1331083
A predictive machine learning approach for microstructure optimization and materials design |
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E 1.99:1331085
On size-constrained minimum <i>s–t</i> cut problems and size-constrained dense subgraph problems |
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