E 1.99:1408509
Local Improvement Results for Anderson Acceleration with Inaccurate Function Evaluations |
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E 1.99:1408517
Excitation variance matching with limited configuration interaction expansions in variational Monte Carlo |
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E 1.99:1408521
Trace radioactive impurities in final construction materials for EXO-200 |
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E 1.99:1408573
Complex biomembrane mimetics on the sub-nanometer scale |
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E 1.99:1408574
Cholesterol Promotes Protein Binding by Affecting Membrane Electrostatics and Solvation Properties |
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E 1.99:1408575
Rice straw as a feedstock for biofuels Availability, recalcitrance, and chemical properties. |
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E 1.99:1408576
Capacitive Detection of Low-Enthalpy, Higher-Order Phase Transitions in Synthetic and Natural Composition Lipid Membranes |
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E 1.99:1408578
Revealing the Charge Transport Mechanism in Polymerized Ionic Liquids Insight from High Pressure Conductivity Studies. |
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E 1.99:1408579
Effect of Chain Rigidity on the Decoupling of Ion Motion from Segmental Relaxation in Polymerized Ionic Liquids Ambient and Elevated Pressure Studies. |
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E 1.99:1408584
Surface plasmons and Bloch surface waves Towards optimized ultra-sensitive optical sensors. |
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E 1.99:1408588
Continuum Modeling of Inductor Hysteresis and Eddy Current Loss Effects in Resonant Circuits |
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E 1.99:1408589
A metadata reporting framework (FRAMES) for synthesis of ecohydrological observations |
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E 1.99:1408590
Tool to Predict TDG for the Columbia River Basin |
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E 1.99:1408592
Rapid Diffusion and Nanosegregation of Hydrogen in Magnesium Alloys from Exposure to Water |
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E 1.99:1408593
Verification and validation of a rapid heat transfer calculation methodology for transient melt pool solidification conditions in powder bed metal additive manufacturing |
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E 1.99:1408594
Symmetric Blind Information Reconciliation for Quantum Key Distribution |
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E 1.99:1408602
Heat deposition analysis for the High Flux Isotope Reactor's HEU and LEU core models |
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E 1.99:1408603
Unravelling biocomplexity of electroactive biofilms for producing hydrogen from biomass |
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E 1.99:1408604
Relationships between water and paddlefish <i>Polyodon spathula</i> dentary elemental and stable-isotopic signatures potential application for reconstructing environmental history. |
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E 1.99:1408606
Analysis of Radiation Transport Due to Activated Coolant in the ITER Neutral Beam Injection Cell |
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