Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:1782793 Development of a Physically-Based Creep Model Incorporating Eta Phase Evolution for Nickel Base Superalloys 1
E 1.99:1782798 Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in 2020. 1
E 1.99:1782811 Entropy production in model colloidal suspensions under shear via the fluctuation theorem 1
E 1.99:1782842 Final report 1
E 1.99:1782854 Right-handed neutrinos and U(1)<sub>X</sub> symmetry-breaking 1
E 1.99:1782855 Thermalization in the D1D5 CFT 1
E 1.99:1782859 Data-driven reduced-order models via regularised Operator Inference for a single-injector combustion process 1
E 1.99:1782867 Interference of chiral Andreev edge states 1
E 1.99:1782903 High-speed feedback control of an oscillating magnetic helicity injector using a graphics processing unit 1
E 1.99:1783007 Stripe antiferromagnetic ground state of the ideal triangular lattice compound KErSe<sub>2</sub> 1
E 1.99:1783011 Temporally decoherent and spatially coherent vibrations in metal halide perovskites 1
E 1.99:1783018 Mid-wave to near-IR optoelectronic properties and epsilon-near-zero behavior in indium-doped cadmium oxide 1
E 1.99:1783037 The hybrid topological longitudinal transmon qubit 1
E 1.99:1783038 Embedded Sensors in Additively Manufactured Silicon Carbide 1
E 1.99:1783047 Overcoming challenges to support US resumption of high specific activity cobalt-60 1
E 1.99:1783072 Visualization and analysis of coupling between plasmas self-organization and plasma-induced fluid circulation in 1 atm DC glows with liquid anode 1
E 1.99:1783091 Superconducting Quantum Metamaterials from High Pressure Melt Infiltration of Metals into Block Copolymer Double Gyroid Derived Ceramic Templates 1
E 1.99:1783095 Upper boundaries of active galactic nucleus regions in optical diagnostic diagrams 1
E 1.99:1783097 Time-reversal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional nonequilibrium viscous fluids 1
E 1.99:1783100 Evolutionary reinforcement learning of dynamical large deviations 1