Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:1807299 Shear Alfvň wave continuum spectrum with bifurcated helical core equilibria 1
E 1.99:1807300 Modelling of beam-driven Alfvň modes in TJ-II plasmas 1
E 1.99:1807308 Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS<sub>2</sub>/WSe<sub>2</sub> moir ̌lattice 1
E 1.99:1807466 Sub-leading structures in superconformal indices subdominant saddles and logarithmic contributions. 1
E 1.99:1807468 Multitude Characterization and Prediction of DOE Advanced Biofuels Properties 1
E 1.99:1807478 Planck intermediate results 1
E 1.99:1807495 A search for time-dependent astrophysical neutrino emission with icecube data from 2012 to 2017 1
E 1.99:1807503 Tunneling current modulation in atomically precise graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions 1
E 1.99:1807514 Label-free characterization of organic nanocarriers reveals persistent single molecule cores for hydrocarbon sequestration 1
E 1.99:1807521 Microstructure and heteroatom dictate the doping mechanism and thermoelectric properties of poly(alkyl-chalcogenophenes) 1
E 1.99:1807543 Interface Carriers and Enhanced Electron-Phonon Coupling Effect in Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> Heterostructure Revealed by Resonant Inelastic Soft X-Ray Scattering 1
E 1.99:1807544 Understanding Degradation Mechanisms in SrIrO<sub>3</sub> Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts Chemical and Structural Microscopy at the Nanoscale. 1
E 1.99:1807547 Uranium(VI) attenuation in a carbonate-bearing oxic alluvial aquifer 1
E 1.99:1807548 Reversible Mn/Cr dual redox in cation-disordered Li-excess cathode materials for stable lithium ion batteries 1
E 1.99:1807552 Persistent and partially mobile oxygen vacancies in Li-rich layered oxides 1
E 1.99:1807553 Utilization of machine learning to accelerate colloidal synthesis and discovery 1
E 1.99:1807555 Effect of temperature on abrasion erosion in particle based concentrating solar powerplants 1
E 1.99:1807569 Long-Term Effects of Very Low Dose Particle Radiation on Gene Expression in the Heart Degenerative Disease Risks. 1
E 1.99:1807574 In-depth understanding of molecular mechanisms of aldehyde toxicity to engineer robust <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em> 1
E 1.99:1807577 Technical and economic feasibility of an integrated ethanol and anthocyanin coproduction process using purple corn stover 1