Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:1852509 Understanding the Spatial Organization of Simultaneous Heavy Precipitation Events Over the Conterminous United States 1
E 1.99:1852512 Conservation laws in coupled cluster dynamics at finite temperature 1
E 1.99:1852513 Sequential ensemble transform for Bayesian inverse problems 1
E 1.99:1852515 Combined microwave and laser Rayleigh scattering diagnostics for pin-to-pin nanosecond discharges 1
E 1.99:1852518 The CH(X<sup>2</sup>?) + H<sub>2</sub>O reaction two transition state kinetics. 1
E 1.99:1852529 Synthesis of imidazolium-mediated Poly(benzoxazole) Ionene and composites with ionic liquids as advanced gas separation membranes 1
E 1.99:1852531 Semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation of the acrolein induced surface segregation and aggregation of AgPd with machine learning surrogate models 1
E 1.99:1852532 Machine-learning accelerated geometry optimization in molecular simulation 1
E 1.99:1852534 Precipitation Characteristics and Future Changes Over the Southern Slope of Tibetan Plateau Simulated by a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model 1
E 1.99:1852535 The diurnally-averaged aerosol direct radiative effect and the use of the daytime-mean and insolation-weighted-mean solar zenith angles 1
E 1.99:1852539 Describing adsorption of benzene, thiophene, and xenon on coinage metals by using the Zaremba?Kohn theory-based model 1
E 1.99:1852541 Online ion mobility spectrometry of nanoparticle formation by non-thermal plasma conversion of metal salts in liquid aerosol droplets 1
E 1.99:1852543 Quantum Kinetic Equation for spin polarization of massive quarks from pQCD 1
E 1.99:1852545 Normal modes, rotational inertia, and thermal fluctuations of trapped ion crystals 1
E 1.99:1852546 Flux-driven algebraic damping of <em>m</em> = 2 diocotron mode 1
E 1.99:1852548 Equilibration of the planar modes of ultracold two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap 1
E 1.99:1852562 Curating a comprehensive set of enzymatic reaction rules for efficient novel biosynthetic pathway design 1
E 1.99:1852571 Verification of local electrostatic gyrokinetic simulation of driftwave instability in field-reversed configuration 1
E 1.99:1852573 Global gyrokinetic simulation of neoclassical ambipolar electric field and its effects on microturbulence in<strong> W7-X</strong> stellarator 1
E 1.99:1852575 Weibel instability beyond bi-Maxwellian anisotropy 1