E 1.99:936058
2007 Molecular & Cellular Bioenergetics (June 17-22, 2007) |
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E 1.99:936087
An Innovative Injection and Mixing System for Diesel Fuel Reforming |
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E 1.99:936089
Isotope Tracer Studies of Diffusion in Sillicates and of Geological Transport Processes Using Actinide Elements |
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E 1.99:936178
Soil carbon, after 3 years, under short-rotation woody crops grown under varying nutrient and water availability. |
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E 1.99:936179
Spatial and temporal patterns of root distribution in developing stands of four woody crop species grown with drip irrigation and fertilization. |
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E 1.99:936181
Above- and below-ground biomass accumulation, production, and distribution of sweetgum and loblolly pine grown with irrigation and fertilization. |
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E 1.99:936184
State-of-the-Art Beta Detection and Dosimetry |
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E 1.99:936191
Energy Design Plugin An EnergyPlus Plugin for SketchUp; Preprint. |
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E 1.99:936274
Three-Dimensional Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Biology |
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E 1.99:936285
Incorporation of HPAC 5.0 Transport Phenomenology to RASCAL's Radiological Releases |
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E 1.99:936292
Accelerating Genome Sequencing 100-1000X with FPGAs |
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E 1.99:936295
FPGA Based High Performance Computing |
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E 1.99:936315
Technology on In-Situ Gas Generation to Recover Residual Oil Reserves |
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E 1.99:936317
Enhanced Combustion Low NOx Pulverized Coal Burner |
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E 1.99:936318
Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Composites (Hipercomp) for Gas Turbine Engine Applications |
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E 1.99:936538
Simulating Subsurface Flow and Transport on Ultrascale Computers using PFLOTRAN |
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E 1.99:936544
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Laboratory-Scale Voloxidation System for Removal of Tritium and Other Volatile Fission Products from Used Nuclear Fuel |
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E 1.99:936568
Phase II Final Project Report SBIR Project "A High Efficiency PV to Hydrogen Energy System" |
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E 1.99:936728
Oilfield Flare Gas Electricity Systems (OFFGASES Project) |
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E 1.99:936781
Second Generation MOF's for Hydrogen Storage |
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