Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:956964 Highly Selective H2 Separation Zeolite Membranes for Coal Gasification Membrane Reactor Applications 1
E 1.99:957011 Long-term monitoring of fleshy fruit and hard mast production and seasonal bird distribution at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina. 1
E 1.99:957022 Final Report for the grant "Applied Geometry" (DOE DE-FG02-04ER25657) 1
E 1.99:957503 Calcium Carbonate Produced by Coccolithophorid Algae in Long Term, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration 1
E 1.99:957504 Building Stronger State Energy Partnerships with the U.S. Department of Energy 1
E 1.99:957505 Power Systems Advanced Research 1
E 1.99:957506 Novel Sulfur-Tolerant Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 1
E 1.99:957507 Effect of Coal Contaminants on Solid Oxide Fuel System Performance and Service Life 1
E 1.99:957988 "Workshop to Promote and Coordinate U.S.A. Contributions to AMMA on Land Surface, Water Cycle, Aerosol and Radiation Budget Issues". 1
E 1.99:958044 Food abundance does not determine bird use of early-successional habitat. 1
E 1.99:958045 Occurrence of perched saturation and interflow over an argillic horizon in a low relief hillslope. 1
E 1.99:958046 Hillslope Flow Routing, Contaminant Transport, and Water Uptake in Zero-Order Watersheds Subject to Intensive Forest Plantation Management. Phase 1A Watershed and Soil Characterization. Phase 1B. 1
E 1.99:958067 JV Task 120 - Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium Research 1
E 1.99:958068 The Ohio River Valley CO2 Storage Project AEP Mountaineer Plant, West Virginia Numerical Simulation and Risk Assessment Report 1
E 1.99:958069 Advancing New 3D Seismic Interpretation Methods for Exploration and Development of Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs 1
E 1.99:958104 Single Membrane Reactor Configuration for Separation of Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide 1
E 1.99:958108 Field Validation of Toxicity Tests to Evaluate the Potential for Beneficial Use of Produced Water 1
E 1.99:958215 Automated Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Permeable Reactive Barrier Health 1
E 1.99:958277 New Adsorption Cycles for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Concentration 1