E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--17
High-level waste inventory, characteristics, generation, and facility assessment for treatment, storage, and disposal alternatives considered in the US Department of Energy eenvironmental management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--18
Risk assessment for the on-site transportation of radioactive wastes for the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--19
Extent of chromium contamination beneath the 60s pits in the Chemical Waste Landfill at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--20
Low-level waste inventory, characteristics, generation, and facility assessment for treatment, storage, and disposal alternatives considered in the US Department of Energy waste management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--21
Risk assessment for the off-site transportation of high-level waste for the U.S. Department of Energy waste management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--22
Transuranic waste inventory, characteristics, generation, and facility assessment for treatment, storage, and disposal alternatives considered in the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--23
Supplemental information related to risk assessment for the off-site transportation of low-level waste for the U.S. Department of Energy waste management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--24
RESRAD benchmarking against six radiation exposure pathway models |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--25
Hazardous waste inventory, characteristics, generation, and facility assessment for treatment, storage, and disposal alternatives considered in the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--26
A survey of the wetlands and floodplains of the borrow area and wetland/shorebird complex for the remedial action at the chemical plant area of the Weldon Spring Site |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--27
Supplemental information related to risk assessment for the off-site transportation of transuranic waste for the U.S. Department of Energy waste management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--28
Risk assessment for the transportation of hazardous waste and hazardous waste components of low-level mixed waste and transuranic waste for the US Department of Energy waste management programmatic environmental impact statement |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--29
Analysis of accident sequences and source terms at treatment and storage facilities for waste generated by US Department of Energy waste management operations |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--29-Draft-Vol.1
Analysis of accident sequences and source terms at waste treatment and storage facilities for waste generated by U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Operations, Volume 1 Sections 1-9. |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--29-Draft-Vol.2
Analysis of accident sequences and source terms at waste treatment and storage facilities for waste generated by USDOE Waste Management Operations Volume 2, Appendixes A and B. |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--29-Draft-Vol.3
Analysis of accident sequences and source terms at waste treatment and storage facilities for waste generated by U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Operations, Volume 3 Appendixes C-H. |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--30
WASTE{_}MGMT A computer model for calculation of waste loads, profiles, and emissions. |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--30-Draft
Waste-Mgmt A computer model for calculation of waste loads, profiles, and emissions. |
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E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--31
Electric Power High-Voltage Transmission Lines Design Options, Cost, and Electric and Magnetic Field Levels. |
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E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM--32
Information related to low-level mixed waste inventory, characteristics, generation, and facility assessment for treatment, storage, and disposal alternatives considered in the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
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