E 1.99:BNL--63144
Temperature-dependence of the ultrafast intermolecular dynamics of Amides Formamide, N-methylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide, N- methylacetamide, and N-methylpropionamide from 290-370 K. |
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E 1.99:bnl--63147
Inelastic x-ray scattering at the National Synchrotron Light |
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E 1.99:BNL--63150
Experience with small-gap undulators |
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E 1.99:BNL--63151
High-brightness electron beam diagnostics at the ATF |
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E 1.99:BNL--63158
Physics goals of the next linear collider |
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E 1.99:BNL--63159
Toy simulation of ATLAS SUSY points |
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E 1.99:BNL--63164
Environmental issues related to commercialization of CulnSe₂- based photovoltaics |
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E 1.99:BNL--63168
Geothermal brines and sludges a new resource. |
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E 1.99:bnl--63169
Induced biochemical interactions in crude oils |
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E 1.99:BNL--63170
Acoustic Doppler current profiling from the JGOFS Arabian sea cruises aboard the RV T.G. Thompson |
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E 1.99:BNL--63172
Model institutional infrastructures for recycling of photovoltaic modules |
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E 1.99:BNL--63173
Recent advances in the kinetics of oxygen reduction |
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E 1.99:BNL--63174
Field comparison of design and diagnostic pathways for duct efficiency evaluation |
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E 1.99:BNL--63180
Composition and function in AB₅ hydride electrodes |
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E 1.99:BNL--63182
Selective dissolution in copper-tin alloys Formation of corrosion- resistant patina on ancient Chinese bronze mirrors. |
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E 1.99:bnl--63189
Methylmercury risk assessment issues |
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E 1.99:BNL--63195
Preliminary study on improvement of cementitious grout thermal conductivity for geothermal heat pump applications |
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Ion pair dissociation effects of aza-based anion receptors on lithium salts in polymer electrolytes |
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E 1.99:BNL--63199
Latex-modified grouts for in-situ stabilization of buried transuranic/mixed waste |
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E 1.99:BNL--63200
Design predictions and diagnostic test methods for hydronic heating systems in ASHRAE standard 152P |
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