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Effective use of risk assessments and the public comment process to achieve acceptable remediation goals for mercury-contaminated sites |
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The System Cost Model A tool for life cycle cost and risk analysis. |
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Stored Transuranic Waste Management Program at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory |
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Life cycle cost and risk estimation of environmental management options |
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Survey of commercial firms with mixed-waste treatability study capability |
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How to accelerate the Fernald remediation |
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Underground radioactive waste tank remote inspection and sampling |
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Characterization of Hanford N Reactor spent fuel and K Basin sludges |
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Quantitative assessment of in situ microbial communities affecting nuclear waste disposal |
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Waste vitrification projects throughout the US initiated by SRS |
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Sample vial inserts A better approach for sampling heterogeneous slurry samples in the SRS Defense Waste Processing Facility. |
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Characterization of the Burma Road Rubble Pit at the Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina |
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Bench-scale vitrification studies with Savannah River Site mercury contaminated soil |
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Development of a scintillation flow-cell detection system for environmental restoration and waste management applications |
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The waste isolation pilot plant regulatory compliance program |
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An industry response to recycle 2000 |
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Success in horizontal barrier developments |
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An arid zone lysimeter facility for performance assessment and closure investigations at the Nevada Test Site |
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Application of EPA quality assurance procedures to a soil characterization study at the DOE Nevada Test Site |
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Operation of a 1/10 scale mixed water incinerator air pollution control system |
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